
济阳冬小麦秋汛晚播增产的相关气象因素分析 被引量:1

Analysis of the Meteorological Factors Contributing to Increased Yield of Winter Wheat Sown Late Due to Autumn Floods in Jiyang
摘要 2021年山东省济南市济阳区冬小麦适播期出现了罕见的秋汛,受秋汛影响,播期推迟15~20 d,冬小麦仍然获得了高产。据济阳区农业部门统计,2022年冬小麦实现了“三增”:播种面积较上年增加0.023万hm^(2),单位面积产量较上年增加387.45 kg/hm^(2),总产量较上年增长1.59万t。针对这一现象,笔者从气象角度分析济阳区2021—2022年度冬小麦秋汛晚播增产的原因。结果表明:冬小麦越冬前,气温异常偏高,造成越冬期推迟,一定程度上弥补了播期过晚的不足;越冬期间大部分时段气温偏高,墒情适宜,冬小麦安全越冬;返青至拔节期气象条件利于小麦苗情转化升级;拔节至孕穗期虽有多股冷空气过程,但未出现晚霜冻,延长了小麦孕穗时间,有利于穗粒数增加;开花至灌浆期,气温高,光照足,灌溉及时,对小麦灌浆有利。5月下旬高温日数多,出现干热风4 d,因小麦处于灌浆后期对产量影响不大;成熟收获期(6月上旬)多为晴好天气,利于小麦收获晾晒。最后为农业提质、农民增收,助力乡村振兴,对冬小麦生产提出几点建议。 The rare autumn floods occurred in Jiyang District of Jinan City,Shandong Province in 2021.The floods caused a delay of 15 to 20 days in wheat sowing date;despite of this delay,a high yield of winter wheat was still achieved.According to the statistics of agricultural department of Jiyang District,winter wheat production in 2022 achieved“three increases”compared with that in 2021:increases in planting area by 230 hm^(2),in output per unit area by 387.45 kg/hm^(2),and in total output by 15900 t.In view of this phenomenon,we identified the following meteorological factors contributing to the increases in the yield of winter wheat in its growing season in 2021—2022,which was sown late in the autumn due to floods.Firstly,temperatures before wheat overwintering were abnormally high,which made up for the adverse impact of the late sowing on wheat growth to a certain extent.Secondly,during the winter,temperatures were high and soil moisture content was suitable in most periods of time;thus,wheat plants overwintered safely.Thirdly,the meteorological conditions from the greening to the jointing stage were conducive to the growth and development of wheat seedlings.Fourthly,there were several cold air processes from the jointing to the booting stage,but no occurrence of late frost events,which actually extended the booting stage of wheat and was beneficial to increasing the number of grains per ear.From the flowering to the filling stage,high temperatures,sufficient sunlight,and timely irrigation were favorable to wheat grain filling.In late May,temperature remained high in many days including four days with dry hot air,which,however,did not affect the wheat yield because plants were in the late filling stage.In the wheat maturing stage and at harvest,the weather was fine in most of the time in early June,which was conducive to wheat harvest and drying.Finally,this paper puts forward some suggestions for winter wheat production so as to improve the quality of agricultural production,increase the benefits of farmers,and promote rural revitalization.
作者 张有菊 王华 ZHANG Youju;WANG Hua(Jiyang Meteorological Bureau of Shandong Province,Jiyang 251400,China)
出处 《大麦与谷类科学》 2023年第2期54-61,共8页 Barley and Cereal Sciences
关键词 冬小麦 气象因素 产量 济阳 Winter wheat Meteorological factor Yield Jiyang
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