The Report to the 20th National Congress of the CPC proposes adherence to running the Party with systems and regulations and the improvement of their framework.Intraparty laws and regulations are the advanced form of the Party’s institutional system.The reservation principle of intraparty laws and regulations,formed by the introduction of the legal reservation principle to the construction of intraparty laws and regulations system,is of great significance for strengthening the construction of the Party’s institutional system and promoting the governance of the Party with systems and regulations.Article 4 of The Formation Rules of Intraparty Laws and Regulations of the CPC revised in 2019 stipulates the reservation principle of intraparty laws and regulations for the first time and clearly distinguishes between general normative matters and reserved matters of intraparty laws and regulations.Among the general normative matters of intraparty laws and regulations,only intraparty laws and regulations can make provisions for reservation matters.For other matters,both intraparty laws and regulations and Party’s normative documents can make provisions but the former should prevail and the provisions made by Party’s normative documents should follow the principle of priority of intraparty laws and regulations.The stipulation of Item 1,Article 4 cannot accurately express its intended meaning and need to be modified and improved;and the same goes to the reservation matters stipulated in Item 2.
ZHANG Xiaoshuai(Department of Academics,China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong,Shanghai 201204)
Journal of China Executive Leadership Academy Pudong
running the Party with regulations
Party’s systems
the reservation principle of intraparty laws and regulations
Party’s normative documents