

Research on Compilation of Chronicles of Wulin Lingyin Temple
摘要 灵隐寺不仅是杭州市和浙江省最著名佛教寺院之一,而且是我国佛教禅宗著名的寺院。《武林灵隐寺志》的编纂随着晚明佛教复兴应时而作,既顺应当时佛教发展的大背景,又适应灵隐寺发展而希冀昭垂不朽的内在需求。该志的编纂过程先后有白珩《白志》、孙治《孙志》、徐增《徐志》和应该有所增补的初次刊刻等;编纂卷数为八卷,内容分量不一。编纂特点有:内容明确,记载集中;体例沿袭,略有创新;收罗宏富,内外皆备;古今贯通,注重当代等。作为一部现存最早的专门详细记载灵隐寺一千多年沧桑变迁的历史文献,该志既有典型性又有特殊性,在中国佛教方志编纂史、明清佛教史上具有重要的地位和影响。 Lingyin Temple is not only one of the most famous Buddhist temples in Hangzhou City and Zhejiang Prov-ince,but also a well-known Buddhist Zen temple in China.The Chronicles of W ulin lingyin Temple were compiled when Buddhism was revitalized in the late Ming dynasty,conformed to the general background of Buddhism thriving at that time and the intermal need of the flourishing Lingyin Temple that hoped to last forever.The compilation of the chronicles experi-enced sucessively Bai Hengs Chronicles of Lingyin Temple,Sun Zhis Chronicles of Lingyin Temple,Xu Zengs Chronicles of Lingyin Temple,and the supplement ation after the initial publication.The chronicles include eight volumes,but the a-mounts of the contents vary.The compilat ion features clear contents,concentrated records,a consistent style,slight innova-tion,a wide collection of both internal and extermal aspects,a combination of both the past and the present,and a focus on the present.As the earliest existing historical document that specifically records the detailed changes of Lingyin Temple in.more than a thousand years,the chronicles are both typical and unique,playing a significant role and having important influence in the history of Chinese Buddhist chronicle compilation and the history of Buddhism in the Ming and Qing dynasties.
作者 金建锋 Jin Jianfeng
出处 《上海地方志》 2023年第1期39-45,93,共8页 Shanghai Chronicles
基金 2019年广东省普通高校重点社科项目“释明河《补续高僧传》整理和研究”(WZDXM006)阶段性成果。
关键词 《武林灵隐寺志》 编纂 特点 1672年 Chronicles of Wulin lingyin Temple compilation features 1672
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