
陇中半干旱区小豆新品系引种鉴定试验 被引量:1

Experiment on the Introduction and Identification of New Adzuki Bean Lines in the Central Semi-arid Area of Gansu
摘要 为了鉴定筛选出适宜陇中半干旱区种植的高产抗病小豆新品系。以京农6号为对照品种,对引自中国农业科学院作物科学研究所的7个小豆新品系的生育时期、农艺性状、籽粒产量、抗逆性和抗病性等进行试验观察。结果表明,参试品系生长习性均为直立型,生育期122耀129 d;均为中晚熟品系;田间抗旱性、抗倒伏性强,高抗白粉病,中抗病毒病和叶斑病。其中ZKS小豆7株高85 cm、主茎分枝数4.6个、主茎节数14.2个、单株荚数61.7个、荚长17.7 cm、荚粒数9.8个、百粒重19.5 g,折合平均产量3533.33 kg/hm^(2),较对照品种京农6号增产6.53%,田间抗旱性、抗倒伏性强,高抗白粉病、病毒病、叶斑病、适应性好。ZKS小豆4株高80 cm、主茎分枝数4.4个、主茎节数13.8个、单株荚数58.8个、荚长16.9 cm、荚粒数9.3个、百粒重18.3 g,折合平均产量3400.00 kg/hm^(2),较对照品种京农6号增产2.51%,抗旱性、抗倒伏性强,高抗白粉病、叶斑病,中抗病毒病,适应性较好。ZKS小豆7和ZKS小豆4可以在陇中半干旱地区进一步推广种植。 In order to identify and evaluate new high-yield and disease-resistant adzuki bean lines suitable for planting in semi-arid regions of central Gansu,7 new adzuki bean lines introduced by the Institute of Crops,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences were used as experimental materials with the variety Jingnon 6 as the control.The growth period,agronomic characters,grain yield,stress resistance and disease resistance of the new adzuki bean lines were studied.The results showed that all the tested lines were upright in their growth habit,with a growth period of 122 to 129 days,all the tested materials were mid to late maturing lines with strong drought resistance and lodging resistance in the field,high resistance to powdery mildew,moderate resistance to viral disease and leaf spot disease.Plant height,branch number of main stem,node number of main stem,pod number per plant,pod length,grain number per pod,and 100-seed weight in ZKS adzuki bean 7 were 85 cm,4.6,14.2,61.7,17.7 cm,9.8,and 19.5 g,respectively,average yield was 3533.33 kg/ha which was 6.53%higher compared with that of the control Jingnon 6,strong drought resistance and lodging resistance in the field,high resistance to powdery mildew,virus disease,leaf spot disease,and good adaptability were also detected in this variety.Plant height,branch number of main stem,node number of main stem,pod number per plant,pod length,grain number per pod,and 100-seed weight in ZKS adzuki bean 4 were 80 cm,4.4,13.8,58.8,16.9 cm,9.3,and 18.3 g,respectively,average yield was 3400.00 kg/ha which was 2.51%higher compared with that of the control Jingnon 6,strong drought resistance and lodging resistance,high resistance to powdery mildew and leaf spot disease,moderate resistance to viral diseases,and good adaptability were detected in this variety as well.To sum up,ZKS adzuki bean 7 and ZKS adzuki bean 4 could be further promoted in the central semi-arid regions of Gansu.
作者 张海杰 张鹤潇 师丽丽 侯云鹏 ZHANG Haijie;ZHANG Hexiao;SHI Lili;HOU Yunpeng(Dingxi Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Dingxi Gansu743000)
出处 《寒旱农业科学》 2023年第4期319-322,共4页 Journal of Cold-Arid Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家食用豆产业技术体系-定西综合试验站(CARS-08-Z21)。
关键词 小豆新品系 农艺性状 籽粒产量 抗逆性 抗病性 New line of adzuki bean Agronomic character Grain yield Stress resistance Disease resistance
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