
不同播期对胡麻生长发育及产量的影响 被引量:3

Effects of Different Sowing Dates on the Growth,Development and Yield of Sesamum indicum L.
摘要 白银市胡麻生产现已基本实现良种普及,但与之相配套的高产栽培技术试验及推广相对滞后。为了充分挖掘胡麻新品种的增产潜力,以白银市当前主栽胡麻品种陇亚10号、定亚24号、陇亚13号为试材,研究了不同播期对胡麻生长发育及产量的影响。结果表明,播期对胡麻生长发育影响显著,生育期随着播期的延后而缩短,生育进程则加快,播期每推迟7 d,生育期则缩短3耀4 d。播期延后对胡麻出苗率、株高、单株分茎数、主茎分枝数、单株果数、单株粒重等主要农艺性状影响较大,且均呈现先增后减的趋势,而对蒴果大小、千粒重影响则不显著。不同播期处理对胡麻品种的折合产量影响显著,陇亚10号、定亚24号、陇亚13号的折合产量均以3月24日播期处理最高,分别为2493.3、2533.3、2433.3 kg/hm^(2)。综合考虑认为,陇亚10号最适播期为3月24—31日,陇亚13号最适播期为3月17—24日,定亚24号最适播期为3月24日。 Flax(Sesamum indicum L.)production in Baiyin has basically achieved the popularization of superior varieties,but the experiment and promotion of high-yield cultivation techniques for superior varieties are lagging behind.In order to fully explore the yield potential of new flax varieties,effects of different sowing dates on the growth,development and yield of flax were studied by using the main flax varieties Longya 10,Dingya 24 and Longya 13 as test materials.The results showed that sowing dates had a significant effect on the growth and development of flax.The growth period was shortened with the delay of sowing,and the growth process was accelerated.The growth period was shortened by 3 to 4 days for every 7 days of delay in sowing.Delayed sowing had a great influence on the main agronomic traits of flax,such as seedling emergence rate,plant height,number of branches per plant,number of branches per main stem,number of fruits per plant and grain weight per plant,and all the above traits showed a trend of increasing first and then decreasing along with the dealyed sowing but its effects on capsule size and 1000-grain weight were not significant.Different sowing date treatments had significant effects on the yields of flax varieties,yields of Longya 10,Dingya 24 and Longya 13 were the highest on sowing date of March 24,which were 2493.3,2533.3 and 2433.3 kg/ha,respectively.After comprehensive consideration,it was recommended that the optimum sowing date of Longya 10 was March 24 to 31,the optimum sowing date of Longya 13 was March 17 to 24,and the optimum sowing date of Dingya 24 was March 24.
作者 赵宝勰 俞华林 李雨阳 杨继忠 杜世坤 师学豪 强旭阳 陈彩霞 马全芳 ZHAO Baoxie;YU Hualin;LI Yuyang;YANG Jizhong;DU Shikun;SHI Xuehao;QIANG Xuyang;CHEN Caixia;MA Quanfang(Baiyin Institute of Agricultural Sciences,Baiyin Gansu 730900,China)
出处 《寒旱农业科学》 2023年第4期326-329,共4页 Journal of Cold-Arid Agricultural Sciences
基金 国家特色油料产业技术体系胡麻白银综合试验站(CARS-14-2-24)。
关键词 胡麻 品种 播期 生长发育 产量 Sesamum indicum L. Variety Sowing date Growth and development Yield
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