
文明政治学和文明公共管理学:新时代政治学和公共管理学发展的新任务 被引量:1

Civilizational Politics and Civilizational Public Administration:The New Task for the Development of Politics and Public Administration in the New Era
摘要 自近现代以来,由西方主导的全球政治学和公共管理学,不仅往往假定个人是同质的,而且假定世界上只有一种合理和“普世”的文明,即西方文明;同时,在其主导下,构建了学科研究的价值、话语和学科体系等,并把这些作为唯一合理和“普世”的标准,不仅压制了其他文明的政治学和公共管理学的发展,也压制甚至压迫着其他文明,并在本质上维护着西方文明的中心地位和霸权利益。但是,这显然不仅不符合人类文明多样性的客观现实,也不符合世界其他文明的合理平等利益,更不符合人类的整体利益。在分析文明多样性和文明自觉的基础上,研究强调了发展文明政治学和文明公共管理学的迫切性,初步阐明了文明政治学和文明公共管理学的一些基本问题。发展文明政治学和文明公共管理学不仅要建设系统的文明政治学和公共管理学,重估西方政治学和公共管理学,而且要重构新型全球政治学和公共管理学;同时,发展文明政治学和公共管理学不仅是加快实现中华文明伟大复兴的需要,更是促进人类文明和谐发展的必然要求。 Since modern times,global politics(political science)and public administration dominated by the West have often assumed not only that individuals are homogeneous or indistinguishable,but also that there is only one reasonable,correct,and"universal"civilization in the world,namely,Western civilization;at the same time,under its leadership,it has constructed the value system,discourse system,and discipline system of modern politics and public administration as the only reasonable,correct,and“universal”system,which not only suppresses the development of politics and public administration of other civilizations,but also suppresses or even oppresses other civilizations,In essence,it maintains the central position and hegemonic interests of Western civilization.However,this obviously does not alignwith the objective reality of the diversity of human civilization,the reasonable and equal interests of other civilizations in the world,nor with the overall interests of mankind.Based on the analysis of the diversity of world civilizations and the civilization consciousness of all civilizations in the world,this paper emphasizes the urgency of developing civilizational politics and civilizational public administration,and preliminarily expounds the basic problems of civilizational politics and public administration.The paper points out that the development of civilizational politics and public administration should not only build systemized civilizational politics and public administration,and reassess the existing politics and public administration,but also reconstruct new global politics and public administration;at the same time.The development of civilizational politics and public administration is not only necessary to accelerate the great rejuvenation of Chinese civilization,but also an inevitable requirement to promote the harmonious development of human civilization.
作者 杨立华 YANG Lihua
出处 《中共中央党校(国家行政学院)学报》 北大核心 2023年第2期66-79,共14页 Journal of The Party School of The Central Committee of The C.P.C(Chinese Academy of Governance)
基金 国家自然科学基金面上项目“新时代城乡基层社会服务体系构建路径及社区治理绩效研究”(72174006) 国家社会科学基金重大研究专项“提高社会治理社会化、法治化、智能化、专业化水平研究”(18VZL001) 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“构建多元参与的首都基层治理体系研究”(21GLA008)。
关键词 文化 文明 文明自觉 政治学 公共管理学 Culture Civilization Civilizational Consciousness Political Science Public Administration
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