[Purposes]Proton exchange membrane fuel cell(PEMFC)technology is an efficient and zeropollution power generation technology,which can convert the chemical energy of hydrogen into electric energy through the application of electrochemical reaction,and has a broad application prospect in vari⁃ous fields such as household cogeneration of heat and power,new energy vehicles and so on.[Methods]This study mainly builds a model of a PEM fuel cell system through Simulink simulation tool,and fo⁃cuses on the current-voltage curve of the battery stack when the partial pressure of anode hydrogen and cathode oxygen and the working temperature change factors,and studies the change law of PEMFC per⁃formance.[Findings]According to this simulation analysis,the simulation results are basically the same as the polarization characteristic curves of typical fuel cells,and the PEMFC has good steady-state out⁃put performance.[Conclusions]The conclusions obtained in this study can provide a reliable basis for the optimization and adjustment of the performance of proton exchange membrane fuel cell stack and the improvement of the operating stability of the battery system.
BI Yanshuo;PEI Baohao;YU Peng;WEI Tian(Department of Automotive and Ship Engineering,Yantai Vocational College,Yantai 264670,China;Shandong Jiyan Hydrogen Power Co.,Ltd.,Jinan 271100,China)
Henan Science and Technology