

Threefold Approach to the Study of Administrative Litigation Law in the New Era
摘要 面对其他新兴主题研究的有力竞争,振兴传统行政诉讼法学研究之道在于及时转换研究范式。立足内部视角、聚焦规范解释适用的法释义学研究进路,承载着构建本土行政诉讼法学知识体系、促进行政法学理论体系化发展和夯实行政基本法典编纂认识论基础的任务。立足外部视角、围绕社会变迁进行观察的法社会学研究进路,承载着科学定位行政审判在多元化解体系中的地位、探究行政审判社会治理功效作用空间和权利保护实效提升路径的任务。立足权力结构视角、揭示权力运行规律的法政治学研究进路,承载着辨析党的领导与依法独立行使行政审判权、司法权既防止行政权干扰又与行政权保持互动复杂关系形态的任务。只有坚持三重研究进路并举,新时代行政诉讼法学研究才能行稳致远。 Confronted by strong competition in other emerging thematic research areas,the way to revitalize traditional administrative litigation law research lies in changing the research paradigm in a prompt manner.Based on the internal per-spective,by focusing on the approach of legal interpretation and application,the hermeneutic approach of law studies car-ries the tasks of constructing local knowledge system of administrative litigation law,promoting the systematic development of administrative law theory,and consolidating the epistemological foundation of the codification of basic administrative law.Based on the external perspective,by observing social changes,the sociological research approach of law studies carries the tasks of scientifically positioning the status of administrative trial in the diversified solution system,exploring the space for the efficacy of social governance of administrative trial,and locating the path for improving the effectiveness of rights protec-tion.Based on the perspective of power structure,by revealing the law of power operation,the political approach of law studies carries the tasks of distinguishing the complex relationship between the Party's leadership and the independent exer-cise of administrative adjudication power and judicial power in accordance with law,and ensuring that interference of ad-ministrative power shall be prevented while maintaining interaction with administrative power in a complex relationship.On-ly by adhering to the threefold research approach can the study of administrative litigation law in the new era be stable and far-reaching.
作者 章志远 ZHANG Zhi-yuan(Law School,East China University of Political Science and Law,Shanghai 200042,China)
出处 《江苏行政学院学报》 北大核心 2023年第2期123-129,共7页 The Journal of Jiangsu Administration Institute
基金 国家社科基金重点项目“行政诉讼实质性解决争议的制度构造”(21AFX008)的阶段性成果。
关键词 行政诉讼法学 法释义学 法社会学 法政治学 administrative litigation jurisprudence hermeneutics of Law sociology of law political science of law
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