
钢板-混凝土组合结构桥塔研究及应用综述 被引量:3

A review on research and applications of concrete-filled steel-plate composite bridge tower
摘要 桥塔是大跨缆索支承桥梁中重要的受力构件,尤其是多塔斜拉桥中塔对刚度和承载力同时提出了较高的要求。钢板-混凝土组合结构桥塔丰富了桥塔结构形式的选择,对于解决多塔斜拉桥中塔刚度不足等关键技术问题具有重要意义。首先对组合结构桥塔的整体应用现状进行调研汇总,目前组合结构在桥塔中多作为局部结构或以钢管混凝土结构形式应用于中小跨径桥梁,大跨径缆索支承桥梁中需要的大截面尺寸钢板-混凝土组合桥塔目前研究较为缺乏。对保证钢、混凝土协同工作性能的连接件及双钢板-混凝土组合结构形式的已有研究和现状进行了调研分析,现有小尺度组合结构试验及常规连接件研究成果不适用于组合桥塔,有待针对桥塔受力特性开展进一步研究。提出双钢板-混凝土组合结构桥塔及薄开孔板连接件,通过试验研究及理论分析研究给出了组合桥塔受力机理及设计理论。最后,结合依托工程南京五桥经验提出组合结构桥塔设计建议及方法,组合桥塔在算例分析中与混凝土桥塔、钢桥塔相比显示出了在受力性能、经济性能及施工便利性方面的优势。研究与实践均表明,新型组合结构桥塔体系具有较为显著的性能优势,取得了令人满意的综合经济效益,为大跨缆索支承桥梁工程建设提供了崭新的思路和选择,有力地推动了组合结构在桥梁工程中的应用。 Bridge towers are important load-bearing components in cable bridges,especially multi-tower cable-stayed bridges with high requirements on the stiffness and strength of the middle tower.The concrete-filled steel-plate composite(referred to as CSC)bridge tower is a new choice of bridge tower structure,which is of great significance for solving key engineering problems such as insufficient stiffness of the middle tower in the multi-tower cable-stayed bridge.This study summarizes the research work of composite structure research team of Tsinghua University with respect to the development and application the CSC bridge tower from interface connection level,tower wall level to tower level.Based on model tests of connectors and tower walls,the force mechanism,structure behaviors,and design method of the proposed CSC tower structure and its constructions were investigated.Furthermore,a multi-scale model for nonlinear time-history analysis of the multi-tower cable-stayed bridge with composite towers was established.The CSC tower has been successfully applied to Nanjing No.5 Bridge,and the seismic performance of its tower was investigated as an example.The applications of composite bridge tower were investigated and summarized.Composite structure is mostly used as partial structure in tower or is used in small and medium-span bridges in the form of concrete-filled steel tube.Research on large-section tower of large-span cable-supported bridge is still absent.The CSC structure and the connectors that ensure the compatible functioning of composite tower are investigated and analyzed.However,the existing results from small-scale composite structure tests and the research of conventional connectors are not applicable to composite bridge towers.Hence,further research on the force mechanism of the composite bridge tower is still necessary.The CSC bridge tower and thin-rib perfobond connectors were proposed,and then its force mechanism and design theory were studied by experiments and theoretical analysis.Finally,based on the research results and design process of Nanjing No.5 Bridge,the design methods for the CSC bridge tower were developed.Compared with the reinforced concrete bridge tower and steel bridge tower,the CSC bridge tower exhibits its advantages in the mechanical performance,economic performance and construction convenience.Both research and practice suggested that the proposed CSC tower system has significant advantage of performance and satisfying economic benefits,resulting in new ideas and options for the large-span cablesupported bridge structure and greatly promoting the application of steel-concrete composite structures to bridge engineering.
作者 樊健生 朱尧于 崔冰 魏乐永 黄李骥 Fan Jiansheng;Zhu Yaoyu;Cui Bing;Wei Leyon;Huang Lij(Key Laboratory of Civil Engineering Safety and Durability of the Ministry of Education,Tsinghua University,Beijing100084,China;CCCC Highway Bridges National Engineering Research Centre Co.,Ltd.,Beijing 100088,China;China Highway Planning and Design Institute Consultants,Inc.,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《土木工程学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期61-71,共11页 China Civil Engineering Journal
关键词 钢板-混凝土组合桥塔 薄开孔板连接件 界面抗拔 协同受力 设计建议 concrete-flled steel-plate composite bridge tower thin-rib perfobond connector pull-out performance compatible functioning design suggestions
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