
老年人饮水相关研究现状与展望 被引量:2

摘要 老年人随着年龄的增长,多项身体机能出现不同程度的衰退,渴觉敏感度较低,对脱水的反应迟缓且耐受性下降,因此老年人的饮水行为需引起关注。波兰、德国、美国、西班牙、英国等国家老年人饮水量调查结果显示老年人饮水不足和脱水的现象较为普遍,而我国缺乏老年人饮水量调查数据。饮水不足导致的脱水状态会降低机体的认知能力,还有可能是老年人认知损伤的危险因素之一。饮水不足还可能增加部分泌尿系统疾病、心血管疾病、肥胖、便秘和糖尿病等的发生风险。制定老年人水适宜摄入量,指导其足量饮水具有重要意义。美国医学研究所、澳大利亚国家卫生与医学研究会和新西兰卫生部、欧洲食品安全局、世界卫生组织等推荐老年人水适宜摄入量等同于成年人;印度医学研究委员会、菲律宾科技部食品和营养研究所、泰国卫生部营养司推荐老年人水适宜摄入量低于成年人。我国由于缺乏老年人饮水量调查数据,暂推荐老年人水适宜摄入量等同于成年人。有必要开展我国老年人饮水行为调查,为针对性地制定老年人适宜水摄入量提供基础数据;且需要加强饮水健康知识宣教,促进老年人形成健康饮水行为、维持适宜水合状态,进而促进机体健康。 With increasing age,many physical functions decline to varying degrees in senior citizens.Their sensory response and thirst sensitivity are relatively low.They respond slowly to dehydration and their tolerance to dehydration decreases.Therefore,attention should be given to the water intake behavior of senior citizens.The surveys on water intake of senior citizens in Poland,Germany,the United States,Spain,the United Kingdom and other countries showed that insufficient water intake and dehydration were common,while there is no data available on the water intake of senior citizens in China.Dehydration caused by insufficient drinking water reduces cognitive ability,and may also be one of the risk factors of cognitive impairment in the elderly.Some studies also showed that insufficient water intake increased the risk of some urinary system diseases,cardiovascular diseases,obesity,constipation and diabetes.It is of great significance to formulate the recommendation on adequate water intake for senior citizens and guide them to drink enough water.The United States Institute of Medicine,the Australian National Health and Medical Research Institute,the Ministry of Health of New Zealand,the European Food Safety Agency,the World Health Organization and others organizations and countries recommended that the amount of adequate water intake for senior citizens were equal to that for adults.The Medical Research Council of India,he Food and Nutrition Institute of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the Philippines,and the Nutrition Department of the Ministry of Health of Thailand recommended that the amount of adequate water intake for senior citizens were lower than that for adults.Due to the lack of survey data on water intake of senior citizens in China,it was recommended that the amount of adequate water intake for senior citizens was equal to that of adults.It is necessary to carry out a survey on water intake behavior of senior citizens in China to provide basic data for formulating the recommendation on adequate water intake for Chinese senior citizens.Health education on water intake should be strengthened to promote senior citizens to form healthy water intake behavior,to maintain optimal hydration state,and then to promote the health of the body.[ACTA NUTRIMENTA SINICA,2023,45(1):21-26]
作者 张娜 马冠生 ZHANG Na;MA Guan-sheng(Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 100191;Laboratory of Toxicological Research and Risk Assessment for Food Safety,Peking University,Beijing 100191;China-DRIs ExpertCommittee on Waterand Fiber,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期21-26,共6页 Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
基金 中国营养学会DRIs修订专项基金 智能健康管理项目(No.2018-01)。
关键词 老年人 饮水量 水合状态 senior citizen water intake hydration
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