

摘要 目的 分析济南、太原、南昌、合肥、广州五个城市老年居民秋季不同时段的饮水行为,为引导老年人科学饮水提供依据。方法 采用方便抽样方法从济南、太原、南昌、合肥、广州五个城市选择60~80岁居民进行调查。采用《7d 24h饮水记录表》并结合订制定量用具进行饮水量调查,连续记录调查对象7d 24h每次的饮水量及饮水类型。比较不同性别、城市、年龄老年人不同时段的饮水行为。结果 共524名老年人完成调查,包括233名男性,291名女性,就餐时,研究对象的白水饮用量最高,就餐时,研究对象白水饮用量最高,中位数为121ml,奶制品饮用量其次,中位数为76ml,不同种类的饮品饮用量有显著性差异(χ^(2)=2159.076,P<0.001)。就餐时,女性奶制品的饮用量显著高于男性,就餐时白水饮用量最高的是来自济南的调查对象,茶水饮用量最高的是来自广州的调查对象,而奶制品消耗最多的是太原的调查对象。非就餐时,调查对象不同种类的饮品饮用量也有显著性差异(χ^(2)=2466.536,P<0.001)。调查对象饮用量最高的分别是白水与自泡茶水。非就餐时,女性的白水饮用量显著高于男性,而男性的茶水饮用量显著高于女性。非就餐时,太原白水的饮用量最高,济南的自泡茶水饮用量最高。无论是就餐还是非就餐,不同年龄调查对象白水、自泡茶水、奶制品的饮用量并没有显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 我国老年人就餐时饮品主要选择白水和奶制品,非就餐时主要选择白水与自泡茶水。不同性别和城市的研究对象就餐与非就餐时饮水行为有差异,应当根据其特点进行有针对性的饮水宣教与干预。[营养学报,2023,45(1):39-44] Objective To analyze the drinking behavior of the elderly residents in Jinan, Taiyuan, Nanchang, Hefei,and Guangzhou in autumn between dining and nondining periods to provide evidence for guiding the elderly to drink water scientifically. Methods A convenience sampling method was used to select residents aged 60-80 from Jinan, Taiyuan,Nanchang, Hefei, and Guangzhou. The drinking water volume survey was carried out by the filling up "7-day 24-hour drinking water record form" combined with customized quantitative tools, and the drinking volume and fluid type of the subjects were recorded continuously 24 hours a day for seven days. The drinking behaviors of the elderly with different genders, cities, and ages were compared at different periods. Results A total of 524 older adults completed the survey,including 233 males and 291 females. During meals, the subjects consumed the highest amount of plain water, with a median of 121 ml, followed by milk products, with a median of 76 ml. There were significant differences in the consumption of different fluids(χ^(2)=2159.076,P<0.001). During meals, women consumed significantly more dairy products than men. The respondents from Jinan consumed the highest amount of plain water, those from Guangzhou consumed the highest amount of tea, and those from Taiyuan consumed the highest amount of dairy products. There was also a significant difference in the number of drinks the respondents consumed during nondining period(χ^(2)=2466.536,P<0.001). The highest amount of fluid consumed by the respondents was plain water and self-brewed tea. During nondining period women drank significantly more plain water than men, while men drank significantly more tea than women. The respondents from Taiyuan had the highest amount of plain water, and those Jinan had the highest amount of self-brewed tea. There were no significant differences in the consumption of plain water, self-brewed tea, and dairy products among different ages(P>0.05). Conclusion The elderly in China mainly chooses plain water and dairy products to drink during during period, and plain water and self-brewed tea are mainly selected during nondining period. There were differences in drinking behaviors between the subjects of different sexes and cities dining and mondining periods. Targeted drinking water education and intervention should be carried out according to their characteristics. [ACTA NUTRIMENTA SINICA, 2023, 45(1):39-44]
作者 池睿欣 张娜 张建芬 何海蓉 张玥 马冠生 CHI Rui-xin;ZHANG Na;ZHANG Jian-fen;HE Hai-rong;ZHANG Yue;MA Guan-sheng(Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene,School of Public Health,Peking University,Beijing 10019l;Laboratory of Toxicological Research and Risk Assessment for Food Safety,Peking University,Beijing 100191,China)
出处 《营养学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期39-44,共6页 Acta Nutrimenta Sinica
基金 营动智能技术(山东)有限公司(No.2018-01)。
关键词 老年人 饮水行为 就餐 非就餐 elderly drinking behavior during meals between meals
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