
长三角地区专精特新“小巨人”企业空间分布及影响因素研究 被引量:14

Spatial distribution and influencing factors of specialized and sophisticated"Little Giants"Enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta
摘要 培育专精特新“小巨人”企业是“补链强链”专项行动的关键内容,关注其空间分布格局及成因对促进中小企业转型发展具有重要意义。基于工业和信息化部认定的三批次专精特新“小巨人”企业名单,运用Ripley’s K函数、核密度分析以及空间热点聚类等方法,探究长三角地区“小巨人”企业的空间分布与集聚特征,并采用负二项回归模型识别“小巨人”企业空间分布的影响因素。研究发现:(1)长三角地区“小巨人”企业行业分布主要集中于制造业,其次是科学研究和技术服务业,而技术密集型制造业、知识密集型服务业“小巨人”企业具有明显的中心城市偏向。(2)在不同距离尺度上,“小巨人”企业集聚强度呈现明显的“双峰”特征,对应集聚尺度相当于都市圈内“一小时通勤圈”,由此形成了以上海市为主要核心,宁波市为次要核心,省会城市及部分沿海沿江城市为极点的“两核多极”局部集聚特征和以沿江、临海都市圈为热点区域的“一轴两带三圈”总体空间分布格局。(3)从“小巨人”企业的空间集聚机制来看,交通可达性、土地利用及成本、地理区位、外部支撑条件、产业发展基础、科研创新条件等是影响“小巨人”企业空间分布的主要因素。(4)高技术和战略重点制造业、科研及信息技术服务业“小巨人”企业空间集聚影响因素具有异质性。土地利用及成本方面,前者呈现“亲工业用地价,疏商服用地价”的分布态势,而后者对商服用地价格不敏感;外部支撑条件方面,仅显著影响前者空间分布;产业发展基础方面,物流水平仅对后者分布具有显著作用;科研创新条件方面,前者偏向人力资本集聚,后者则更偏向科研机构集聚。 The spatial distribution pattern and causes are of great significance to promote the transformation and development of SMEs,as the cultivation of specialized and sophisticated“Little Giant”Enterprises is a key element of the special action of“strengthening the weakness in the industrial and supply chains”.Based on the list of three batches of“Little Giant”Enterprises recognized by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology,using Ripley's K function,kernel density analysis,and spatial hotspot clustering to explore the spatial distribution and clustering characteristics of“Little Giant”Enterprises in the Yangtze River Delta.Further,a negative binomial regression model was used to identify the factors affecting the spatial distribution of“Little Giant”Enterprises by combining geospatial data and socioeconomic statistics.The conclusions are drawn as follows:(1)The industry distribution of“Little Giant”Enterprises in the study region mainly cluster in manufacturing industries,followed by scientific research and technology service industries,and the“Little Giant”Enterprises in technology-intensive manufacturing industries and knowledge-intensive service industries cluster in the central cities.(2)At different distance scales,the agglomeration intensity of“Little Giant”Enterprises shows obvious“bimodal”characteristics,and the corresponding agglomeration scale is equivalent to the“one-hour commuting circle”in the metropolitan area,thus it has formed the“two cores and multiple poles”local clustering characteristics with Shanghai as the main core,Ningbo as the secondary core,provincial capital cities and some coastal and riverine cities as the poles,and the“one axis,two belts and three circles”overall spatial distribution pattern with the riverine and coastal metropolitan regions as the hotspot area.(3)From the spatial clustering mechanism of“Little Giant”Enterprises,traffic accessibility,land use and cost,geography location,external support,industrial foundation,scientific research and innovation conditions are the main factors affecting the spatial distribution of“Little Giant”Enterprises.(4)The factors,which influence the spatial agglomeration of"Little Giant"Enterprises in high-tech and strategic focus manufacturing industries,research and information technology service industries,are heterogeneous.In terms of land use and cost,the former shows a distribution trend of“the higher industrial land price but closer,the higher commercial land price then farther away”,while the latter is not sensitive to commercial land price;in terms of external support conditions,they only significantly affect the spatial distribution of the former;in terms of industrial development foundation,logistics level only plays a significant role in the distribution of the latter;in terms of research and innovation conditions,the former is more inclined to human capital agglomeration,while the latter is more inclined to research institutions.
作者 丁建军 王淀坤 刘贤 DING Jianjun;WANG Diankun;LIU Xian(School of Business,Jishou University,Jishou 416000,Hunan,China)
机构地区 吉首大学商学院
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期1009-1028,共20页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(42161033) 湖南省杰出青年科学基金项目(2020JJ2025) 湖南省教育厅科学研究项目重点项目(21A0330) 湖南省研究生科研创新项目(CX20221100)。
关键词 专精特新企业 空间分布 长三角地区 影响因素 负二项回归 specialized and sophisticated“Little Giants”Enterprises spatial distribution influencing factors Yangtze River Delta negative binomial regression
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