
日系黑毛牛与延边牛杂交F_(1)代、F_(2)代肉质性状的研究 被引量:1

Study on the meat quality traits of the F_(1) and F_(2) generations of Japanese Black-haired cattle and Yanbian cattle hybridization
摘要 旨在研究采用日系黑毛牛冻精对地方品种延边牛级进杂交改良效果。选择18月龄体质健康、体况相近、膘情较好的F_(1)代和F_(2)代的阉公牛各20头,统一饲养管理,饲喂至30月龄。宰后排酸5 d,采集左侧胴体背最长肌12~13肋间西冷部位,对其肉品质、营养品质、风味物质和质构特性进行测定,分析利用日系黑毛牛冻精对延边牛杂交的改良效果。结果表明,F_(2)代肌内脂肪含量显著高于F_(1)代(P<0.05),提高2.74%,增幅10.4%;F_(1)代和F_(2)代剪切力值均小于42.83 N,均达到嫩级别,且F_(2)代嫩度显著高于F_(1)代(P<0.05);F_(2)代肌苷酸含量显著高于F_(1)代(P<0.05);其余测定性状差异不显著,但从数值上F_(2)代肉质优于F_(1)代。综上,F_(2)代肉更嫩、肌内脂肪沉积更优、风味更佳,表现出良好杂交优势,为培育雪花牛肉生产专门化种群提供理论依据。 In this study,2018-month-old male steers of the F_(1)and F_(2) generation of Japanese Black-haired cattle and Yanbian cattle hybridization,which were healthy,similar in body condition and better in fat condition,were bred by uniformed feeding till they were 30 months of age.Then they slaughtered and and their carcasses were chilled for 5 days,and the sirloin parts between the 12-13 ribs of the Longissimus Dorsi muscle of the left side of the carcasses were collected.Finally,the edible quality,nutritional quality,flavor substance and texture characteristics of the samples were measured,in order to analyze the improvement effect of crossbreeding Yanbian cattle using frozen semen from Japanese Black-haired cattle.The results showed that the content of intramuscular fat in F_(2) was significantly higher than that in F_(1)(P<0.05),which was increased by 2.74%,with an increasing rate of 10.4%.The shear stress values of F_(1) and F_(2) were both lower than 42.83 N,and the tenderness of F_(2) was significantly higher than that of F_(1)(P<0.05).The inosinic acid content of the F_(2) generation was significantly higher than that of the F_(1) generation(P<0.05),and the other tested traits showed no significant difference,but the meat quality of F_(2) was significantly better than that of F_(1).In conclusion,compared with the F_(1)generation,the F_(2) generation had more tender meat,better intramuscular fat deposition,and better flavor;presenting advantages of crossbreeding.This study might provide reference for breeding cattle specialized beef population.
作者 刘笑笑 王蕾 刘丽宅 赵云辉 张鑫 吴健 赵玉民 LIU Xiaoxiao;WANG Lei;LIU Lizhai;ZHAO Yunhui;ZHANG Xin;WU Jian;ZHAO Yumin(Jilin Academy of Agricultural Sciences/Key laboratory of Beef Cattle Genetics and Breeding,Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs/Jilin Province International Joint Research Center for Meat Herbivirous Livestock Production Technology,Changchun 130033,China)
出处 《畜牧与兽医》 CAS 北大核心 2023年第4期1-6,共6页 Animal Husbandry & Veterinary Medicine
基金 国家肉牛牦牛产业技术体系(CARS-37) 吉林省科学技术厅重大专项(YDZJ202203CGZH049,YDZJ202203CGZH039)。
关键词 日系黑毛牛 延边牛 杂交 肉品质 Japanese Black-haired cattle Yanbian cattle crossbreeding mat quality
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