

On the Construction of the Learning System of Yan'an Cadre School during the War of Resistance Against Japan--A Case Study of Shanbei Public School
摘要 领导干部的培养是中国共产党取得抗日战争胜利的人才基础。作为中国共产党在这一时期直接领导创办的培养抗战干部的学校,陕北公学在遵循“干部教育第一”的原则下,积极响应党内开展学习运动的号召,满足培养抗日先锋队的客观需要,在学习制度的建设上取得了重大成就。通过创建学习组织、加强学习指导、强化考查激励和提供条件保障,构建了较为完善的学习制度体系,在加强党的领导、突出问题导向、注重学用一致等方面积累了重要经验。全面了解与深刻总结陕北公学学习制度建设的路径选择和基本经验,对我们深入研究中国共产党的学习制度建设具有重要意义。 The training of cadre is a talent base for the War of Resistance Against Japan victory of the Communist Party of China.As a school to train anti-Japanese cadres established under the direct leadership of the Communist Party of China during this period,Shanbei Public School follows the request of"the cadre education first",actively responses to the Communist Party of China to carry out the learning motor's call to meet the training of the objective need of the Anti-Japanese vanguard,great achievements have been made in the construction of learning system.By creating a learning organization,strengthening the learning guide,strengthening the examination incentive,providing condition guarantee,a more perfect study system is built,and important experience is accumulated in such aspects as strengthening the party's leadership,outstanding problem oriented,paying attention to the consistency in study and use.It is of great significance for us to deeply study the construction of learning system of the Communist Party of China to comprehensively understand and profoundly sum up the path choice and basic experience of learning system construction of Shanbei Public School.
作者 常邯吕燕 CHANG Hanlyuyan(School of Marxism,Beijing Normal University,Beijing 100875)
出处 《延安大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期34-40,共7页 Journal of Yan'an University (Social Sciences Edition)
关键词 抗战时期 中国共产党 学习制度建设 陕北公学 the Anti-Japanese War period the Communist Party of China the construction of learning system Shanbei Public School
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