A 32-week pregnant woman experienced moderate-to-severe sensorineural deafness in the left ear, diagnosed by pure tone audiometry. She was treated with Zhu's scalp acupuncture comprising one needle in the head-face area, two needles in the upper-jiāo area, three needles in the lower-jiāo area, and one needle puncturing the Bǎihuì (百会GV20). After dǎoyǐn (physical and breathing exercises), three needles were added to the auricular-temporal area, and the left Tīnggōng (听宫SI19), Tīnghuì (听会GB2), and Yīfēng (翳风TE17) were punctured. Dǎoyǐn was performed during each episode of needle puncture. After two sessions of scalp acupuncture treatment, the pure tone audiometry indicated that her hearing was normal. There was no recurrence of sensorineural deafness at the two-month follow-up, and her baby was born healthy.
Xiao-Xiao WANG;Ren-zhong WANG(Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China;Otorhinolaryngology Department of the Affiliated Hospital of Shandong University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Jinan 250014,China)
Supported by TCM ancient books and special technique inheritance project of National Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine:GZY-KJS-2020-076。