
国家新型工业化汽车产业示范基地建设路径与实践——以上海国际汽车城为例 被引量:1

Construction Path and Practice of National Automobile Industry Demonstration Base of New Industrialization
摘要 上海国际汽车城是国内首个具备汽车研发、制造、教育、服务和文化于一身的全产业链功能的汽车产业基地,在工业现代化发展的趋势下,始终关注信息化和智能化在汽车工业领域的赋能作用。为了更好地促进上海汽车产业高质量发展,上海国际汽车城紧抓传统汽车和新技术、新理念的高度跨界融合发展新趋势,聚焦制造中心、交流中心、创新中心、人才中心和数据中心建设,打造了一批特色园区载体,集聚了一批智能制造、智慧交通、数字信息等领域的头部企业,持续提升了居住环境、教育资源、医疗服务、商业配套、汽车文化等品质能级,并于2010年获批国家新型工业化产业示范基地。通过基地建设,上海国际汽车城探索了新能源与智能网联汽车背景下汽车特色产业基地的发展要素,丰富了产城融合建设模式,为我国汽车工业发展积累了宝贵经验。 Shanghai International Automobile City is the first automobile industry base in China with the full industrial chain functions of automobile research and development,manufacturing,education,service,and culture.In the trend of industrial modernization,it has always focused on the enabling role of informatization and intelligence in the automobile industry.In order to better promote the high-quality development of automobile industry in Shanghai,Shanghai International Automobile City grasped the new trend of highly cross-border integration,development of traditional automobiles and new technologies as well as new concepts,focused on the construction of manufacturing centers,exchange centers,innovation centers,talent centers as well as data centers,and created a number of Special Park Carrier,gathered a large number of leading enterprises in the fields of intelligent manufacturing,intelligent transportation,autonomous vehicle networking,and digital information,continuously improved the quality and level of living environment,educational resources,medical services,commercial facilities,and automotive culture,and was approved as a national industry demonstration base of new industrialization in 2010.Through the construction of the base,Shanghai International Automobile City explored the development elements of automobile characteristic industrial bases in the context of new energy and intelligent networked vehicles,enriched the construction mode of industry city integration,and accumulated valuable experience for the development of China's automobile industry.
作者 梁立新 Liang Lixin(International Automobile City Development Services Co.,Ltd.,Shanghai 201805,China)
出处 《新型工业化》 2023年第5期48-54,共7页 The Journal of New Industrialization
关键词 汽车示范基地 新型工业化 产城融合 Automobile Demonstration Base New Industrialization Industry-city Integration
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