
轻质混凝土拼装墙板填充钢框架协同抗震性能试验研究 被引量:2

Experimental study of the synergistic seismic performance of steel frame filled with assembled lightweight concrete wall panels
摘要 为了研究墙板与钢框架结构之间的协同抗震性能,对采用不同墙框连接节点的轻质混凝土拼装墙板填充钢框架进行了低周往复荷载试验.通过对比试件的承载力、滞回性能、刚度、耗能以及延性性能,探讨了轻质混凝土拼装墙板及其整体性对结构抗震性能的影响.结果表明:填充墙板钢框架结构的最终破坏形态以墙板挤压开裂,框架梁柱端部翼缘屈曲为主;轻质混凝土拼装墙板与钢框架协同工作,有利于提高结构整体的承载力和变形能力,减轻钢框架在平面内的屈曲破坏;与刚性节点相比,采用柔性节点连接墙板与钢框架对结构的承载力、层间刚度和耗能能力更为有利;增强拼装墙板的整体性,有助于提高结构整体刚度、变形和耗能能力.研究结果可为轻质混凝土拼装墙板填充钢框架结构的抗震设计提供参考. In China,more and more buildings use assembled frame structures such as prefabricated autoclaved lightweight concrete wall panels used as the exterior wall.In structural design,these wall panels are usually considered non-structural components.However,in the event of an earthquake,the damage and collapse of these wall panels are likely to lead to casualties and economic losses.In addition to the damaged wall panels,the connection between the wall panels and the main structure is also an important factor affecting the seismic performance of the structure.The traditional connection between the wall panels and the frame can be easily damaged in an earthquake.The seismic performance of frame structures based on the new connections and the integrity of the lightweight,concretefilled wall panels needs to be explored.To investigate the synergistic seismic performance of the wall panels and the steel frame structures,low cycle reciprocating load tests were carried out on the steel frames infilled with the lightweight concrete assembled wall panels.A new sliding joint was developed to connect the wall panels and the steel frames,and its performance was compared with the traditional hooking joints.The effect of lightweight concrete wall panels and their integrity on the seismic performance of the structures was investigated by analyzing the load-bearing capacity,hysteresis performance,stiffness,energy dissipation,and ductility of the specimens. The results show that extrusion cracking of the wall panel and buckling at the end of the frame columns are the ultimatedamage modes of the filled wall panel steel frame structures. The synergy of the wall panels and the steel frame improves the loadbearingand deformation capacity of the structure as compared to a hollow frame. The structure with sliding joints is better in terms ofload-bearing capacity, stiffness, and energy dissipation capacity. Enclosed by CFRP cloth, the enhanced integral wall panels can improvethe ductility, stiffness, deformability, and energy dissipation capacity of the structure. It is suggested that the improved seismicperformance of frame structures by the infilled wall panels should be considered in the design of prefabricated frame structures and thatthe wall panels and the frames should be connected by sliding joints. These experimental results can provide a reference for the seismicdesign of steel frame structures filled with lightweight concrete assembled wall panels.
作者 李悦 高崇铭 宋波 李晓润 刘楚涵 LI Yue;GAO Chong-ming;SONG Bo;LI Xiao-run;LIU Chu-han(School of Civil Engineering,North China University of Technology,Beijing 100144,China;The Key Laboratory of Urban Security and Disaster Engineering(Ministry of Education),Beijing University of Technology,Beijing 100124,China;School of Civil and Resource Engineering,University of Science and Technology Beijing,Beijing 100083,China;Central Research Institute of Building and Construction Co.,Ltd.,MCC Group.,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《工程科学学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2023年第8期1364-1375,共12页 Chinese Journal of Engineering
基金 国家自然科学基金资助项目(51408009,52078038) 科技部国家级外专项目(G2021105009L) 北京市属高校基本科研业务费资助项目(110052971921/062)。
关键词 轻质混凝土墙板 装配式结构 钢框架 抗震性能 低周往复荷载试验 lightweight concrete wall panels prefabricated structure steel frames seismic performance low cyclic load tests
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