

The connotation,ERA value and developing path of Malan Spirit
摘要 马栏精神是以刘志丹、谢子长、习仲勋等无产阶级革命家于20世纪20至40年代,在创建以马栏为中心的陕甘宁革命根据地关中分区的斗争实践中形成和发展起来的伟大革命精神。“勇当前哨、党在第一”的坚定信念,“不惧封锁、迎难而上”的革命斗志,“民主建政、特区特办”的务实作风和“人民至上、为民谋利”的根本立场,分别彰显了马栏精神内涵的真理性和价值性、斗争性和革命性、理论性和实践性、党性和人民性的辩证统一。马栏精神为激励共产党人奋进新时代提供了动能培雍,为培养奉献担当的时代青年涵养了文化资源,为加强党的执政能力建设积累了宝贵经验,为实现中华民族的伟大复兴汇聚了精神动力,闪耀着时代价值的光芒。新时代继承和弘扬马栏精神,要从搞好顶层设计、用好红色资源、拓宽弘扬渠道、汲取思想伟力四个方面协调推进,凝聚起弘扬马栏精神的向心力。 The Ma Lan Spirit is based on the proletarian internationalism of Liu Zhidan,Tse tsz-cheung and XI Zhongxun in the 1920s and 1940s,the Great Revolutionary Spirit was formed and developed in the practice of the struggle to create the Guanzhong sub-area of the shan-gan-ning Communist-controlled China with Malan as the center.The firm belief that the party should be the first to act as an outpost,and the revolutionary fighting spirit of"Going up against difficulties without fear of blockade",the pragmatic style of""Democratic construction of government,special administration of the Special Administrative Region"and the fundamental stand of""Putting the people first and seeking benefits for the people",it shows the dialectical unity of truth and value,struggle and revolution,theory and practice,party spirit and people spirit.The spirit of Ma Lan has provided the energy to encourage the communists to strive for a new era,cultivated cultural resources for the youth of the era of dedication and responsibility,and accumulated valuable experience for strengthening the construction of the party's governing capacity,in order to achieve the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has gathered the spirit of power,shining the light of the value of the times. In order to inherit and carry forward the spirit of the horse-rail in the new era, weshould advance in coordination from four aspects : doing well the top-level design, making good use of the red resources,widening the channels of carrying forward, and absorbing the great power of thought, so as to consolidatethe centripetal force of carrying forward the spirit of the horse-rail.
作者 种永恒 Zhong Yongheng(Shaanxi Energy Institute ,Shaanxi Xianyang 712000)
出处 《西部现代职业教育研究》 2022年第4期16-23,55,共9页 Research on Modern Vocational Education in Western China
关键词 中国共产党 马栏精神 内涵意蕴 时代价值 弘扬路径 Communist Party of China Malan spirit connotation value of the times carrying forward the path
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