The rapid development of gene and biotechnology has posed a series of serious challenges to the patent system,ethics,and public policy.It requires rapid responses and adjustments from existing laws and regulations that how to judge the patent eligibility in the context of new technologies,industries,business forms,and models.On March 1,2022,the latest version of Guidelines for Examination in the European Patent Office(EPC Guidelines)came into force.This version of EPC Guidelines made significant modifications to the relevant regulations of exceptions to patentability on the grounds of violating"ordre public"and morality,clarifying the standards to be adopted when assessing whether genetically modified animals meet the"ordre public"and morality.This article reviews the above amendments to the EPC Guidelines and relevant regulations on patentability in the field of biotechnology,and compares them with the relevant provisions of the Patent Law,the Rules for the Implementation of the Patent Law,and the Guidelines for Examination in China,in hopes of providing reference for research of patent policy and for innovation subject in applications for patents in the European Patent Office.
XUE Yang;WANG Zongyue;WANG Kang(Pharmaceutical and Biological Examination Department of the Patent Office,CNIPA,Beijing 100088)
Patent Agency