This paper considers the class of autonomous algebraic ordinary differential equations(AODEs)of order one,and studies their Liouvillian general solutions.In particular,let F(y,w)=0 be a rational algebraic curve over C.The authors give necessary and sufficient conditions for the autonomous first-order AODE F(y,y′)=0 to have a Liouvillian solution over C.Moreover,the authors show that a Liouvillian solutionαof this equation is either an algebraic function over C(x)or an algebraic function over C(exp(ax)).As a byproduct,these results lead to an algorithm for determining a Liouvillian general solution of an autonomous AODE of order one of genus zero.Rational parametrizations of rational algebraic curves play an important role on this method.
supported by Vietnam National Foundation for Science and Technology Development(NAFOSTED)under Grant No.101.04-2017.312。