为探究薄壁空心墩结构设计,在高桥墩、高地震带桥梁结构设计的可行性,本文以莫莫克水利枢纽工程库尔沟大桥为研究对象,通过采用Midas Civil桥梁分析软件,建立了三维有限元整体分析模型,以结构单元单独核算、整体分析的计算方式,对薄壁空心墩结构进行了计算。经过结构计算及抗震验算结果分析,得出薄壁空心墩结构整体稳定,抗震效果较好。研究成果为后续山区高桥墩设计提供了新思路,为薄壁空心墩运用于高桥墩、高地震带的设计提供了理论依据。
In order to explore the feasibility of thin-walled hollow pier structure design in high pier and high seismic zone bridge structure design,this paper takes Kuergou Bridge of Momoke Water Conservancy Project as the research object,through the use of Midas Civil bridge analysis software,the three-dimensional finite element integral analysis model is established,and the structural unit is calculated separately and analyzed as a whole.The thin-walled hollow pier structure is calculated.Through structural calculation and analysis of seismic checking results,it is concluded that the thin-walled hollow pier structure is stable and has good seismic effect.The research results provide a new idea for the follow-up design of high pier in mountainous areas and a theoretical basis for the application of thin-walled hollow pier in the design of high pier and high seismic zone.
SHI Yu-ming;CHEN Yan
Water Resources & Hydropower of Northeast China