
中国式现代化与建设人与自然和谐共生现代化的历史必然 被引量:3

Chinese modernization and the historical inevitability of building a modernization of harmony between humanity and nature
摘要 实现中华民族伟大复兴,是中国共产党人百年历史征程中一以贯之的崇高信念和不懈追求。党的二十大将“以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴”作为党在新时代新征程中的使命任务,激发了学者对“中国式现代化”的研究与话语表达的热情。中国式现代化不是凭空产生的。中国共产党在团结和带领全国人民探索中国式现代化道路的百年奋斗历程中所取得的重大成就和历史经验表明中国式现代化具有历史范畴,具有“各国现代化的共同特征”,又独具中国特色,闪耀着社会主义的光辉。探求中国式现代化由来之路,也必然能揭示出继工业、农业、科学技术、国防四个现代化之后,建设人与自然和谐共生现代化的历史必然。与此同时,习近平生态文明思想多次强调建设人与自然和谐共生的现代化,为坚持和发展中国式现代化,推动经济社会发展全面绿色转型,建设美丽中国贡献了独特智慧和力量,也彰显出中国式现代化有别于工业文明时代形成的西方式现代化。 The realization of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation has been a lofty belief and unremitting pursuit of the Commu⁃nist Party of China(CPC)in the centennial history.The 20^(th) National Congress of the CPC takes‘the advancement of the rejuvenation of the Chinese nation on all fronts through a Chinese path to modernization’as the mission of the CPC in the new era and on the new jour⁃ney,leading to an unprecedented upsurge in literature on‘the Chinese path to modernization’and interpretations.The conceptualization of the‘Chinese path to modernization’is not created in a vacuum.The CPC’s century-long struggle,significant achievements,and historical experiences in uniting and leading the people of all of China to follow this road to modernization demonstrate that this mission belongs to the historical scope,which contains elements that are common to the modernization processes of all countries as well as China’s unique characteristics,and shines with the brilliance of socialism.Exploring the origin of the Chinese path to modernization will necessarily reveal the historical inevitability of building a modernization of harmony between humanity and nature since the promotion of the‘Four Modernizations’of industry,agriculture,science and technology,and national defense.At the same time,Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization has reiterated the significance of building a modernization of harmony between humanity and nature,which has contributed unique wisdom and strength to the persistence and development of the Chinese road to modernization,the promotion of a comprehensive green transformation of economic and social development,and the developing of a beautiful China.It also shows that the Chinese path to modernization is different from the Western-style modernization formed in the era of industrial civilization.
作者 黄承梁 HUANG Chengliang(Research Institute for Eco-civilization,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100710,China;Xi Jinping Eco-civilization Thought Research Center,Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,Beijing 100710,China)
出处 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第4期196-204,共9页 China Population,Resources and Environment
关键词 中国式现代化道路 四个现代化 人与自然和谐共生现代化 习近平生态文明思想 人类文明新形态 Chinese modernization Four Modernizations modernization of harmony between humanity and nature Xi Jinping Thought on Ecological Civilization new form of human civilization
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