

Discussion on the Civil Societies and the Third Kham-Tibet Conflict
摘要 不同的政治、经济、文化背景促生各种不同的民间社团,第三次康藏之争未发生之前就有传统意义上的民间组织“西康总商会”“教育会”“西康国民协进会”。但因第三次康藏之争的发生而成立的民间组织则具有鲜明的地域性和时代性,包括以八百名民众代表为基础的“西康特区汉夷全体民众保固国防后援会”;临时性质的请愿团和难民团;同乡组织“西康旅京同乡国防救亡会”;民意机关“西康民众代表驻京办事处”。各类民间组织或直接参与“纠纷”的调解,或以电文和呈文的方式为各级政府提供康藏之争的信息和解决纠纷的方案,或以请愿的方式催促政府尽早解决康藏纠纷。而“民意机关”则长期驻京,互通京康消息,提交各种提案。这些民间组织维护边疆稳定、国家统一、民族团结,其与各级国家机关、其他民间组织紧密互动,形成强大的反分裂力量,使分裂势力图谋分裂国家的阴谋落空,促进了现代多民族国家的构建。 Different political,economic and cultural backgrounds gave rise to various civil societies.Before the Third Kham-Tibet Conflict,there had been traditional civil societies such as"Xikang General Chamber of Com⁃merce","Education Association"and"Xikang National Association".However,the civil societies set up after the conflict had distinct regional and contemporary characteristics,such as the society named"National Defense Support Association of All the People of Han and Ethnic groups in Xikang Special Administrative Region"with 800 members,and some temporarily organized societies for petition groups and refugees,"National Defense and Salvation Association of Xikang People in Beijing","Xikang People's Representative Office in Beijing".The civ⁃il societies either directly participated in the mediation of"conflict",or provided the government at all levels with information and resolution plans in the form of telegrams and submissions,or urged the government to settle the conflict as soon as possible by petitioning."Public bodies",which based in Beijing for a long time,passed on information and submitted proposals.These civil society contributed to Chinals border stability,national unity and ethnic unity,and they interacted closely with state organs at all levels and other non-governmental organiza⁃tions to form a powerful anti-secessionist force thwarting the separatists'plot and promoting the construction of the modern multi-ethnic state of China.
作者 吴丽丽 刘永文 WU Lili;LIU Yongwen(School of Humanities,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234)
出处 《西藏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第1期34-45,共12页 Journal of Tibet University
基金 2022年度国家社会科学基金项目“近现代涉藏民间社团研究”阶段性成果,项目号:22BMZ042。
关键词 第三次康藏之争 民间社团 国家构建 the third Kham-Tibet conflict civil societies state construction








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