

Re-study on the Formation Process of Chuan Xi Lu
摘要 嘉靖时期阳明文献诸版本字体为宋体或仿宋字体,万历诸本字体为粗大楷体,而隆庆六年(1572年)《王文成公全书》字体为宋体向粗大楷体字体的过渡形态。在嘉靖十八年(1539年)王世隆贵州重刊《阳明先生文录三卷》的基础上可以复原广德本,而岑庄等人校刊本《阳明先生文录四卷》再次确保复原广德本的精确性。对于阳明《传习录》文献的刊刻,庚戌这一年(1550年),是一个具有颠覆性的转局之年。通过日本京都帝国大学所藏孤本孙应奎嘉靖三十年(1551年)湖南刻本,再加上嘉兴图书馆藏《传习录》残本与台湾地区图书馆藏《传习录》下卷残本,我们可以复原南大吉原刻本的具体篇目和内容,破解了约五百年来对南大吉书信部分目录的未解之谜。南大吉书信部分下卷一为《答徐成之书》(两通,后有南逢吉长跋)、《答罗整庵少宰书》,下卷二为《答人论学书》,下卷三为《答周道通书》、《答陆原静书》(二篇),下卷四为《示弟立志说》《〈训蒙〉大意示教读刘伯颂等》《教约》三篇。南大吉嘉靖三年(1524年)绍兴刻本并未刊刻阳明与欧阳德、聂豹二人书信。阳明文录诸版本并未因当时《传习录》广泛流通而失收其论学书信,均在正录、外集中保留相关文献。 The fonts of different editions of Wang Yangming’s Works vary with time.In Jiajing Period(1522-1566),Song or Fang Song style was adopted,while in Wanli Period(1573-1620),the font was shifted to the bold type Kai style,with the font of A Collection of Wang Yangming printed in the sixth year of Longqing Period(1567-1572)as a transition in between.Based on the Three-Volume of Wang Yangming’s Works republished in 1540 by Wang Shilong from Guizhou,the Guangde edition of Wang’s works which was lost can be restored.The Four-Volume of Wang Yangming’s Works edited and published by Cen Zhuang and others could once again ensure accuracy in the restoration.As for the publication of Chuan Xi Lu,the year 1550 was a dramatical turning point.Through the Jiajing 30 th-year Hunan edition(only copy extant)retrieved from Japan’s Kyoto University,as well as the remaining fragments of Chuan Xi Lu collected in Jiaxing Library in Zhejiang Province and the remaining fragments of Chuan Xi Lu(the Second Volume)collected in National Central Library in Taiwan Province,the specific chapter list and the content of Nan Daji’s edition could be restored,a demystification of a 500-year long mystery of what part of the contents list of the correspondence section of Nan’s edition was like.In the correspondence section of Nan’s edition,he collected altogether eight of Wang Yangming’s corresponding letters to various people in four chapters,but lacked correspondence between Wang and Ouyang De as well as Nie Bao.It is clear that the wide circulation of Chuan Xi Lu does not hinder the collection of Wang’s academic letters to other people,which have been collected in both the official and unofficial editions.
作者 邹建锋 ZOU Jian-feng(Center for Philosophy and Chinese Studies,Ningbo University,Ningbo 315211,Zhejiang,China)
出处 《贵阳学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期17-24,共8页 Journal of Guiyang University:Social Sciences
基金 2019年国家社科基金“《传习录》与王阳明其他单刻本稀见孤本文献全国调研、影印出版与总汇总校”(项目编号:19BZS007)。
关键词 王阳明 传习录 文献刊刻 Wang Yang ming Chuan Xi Lu A Complete Collection of Wang Yangming’s Works
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