

"National Minorities"and"National Rights"in Russian Legislation and their Evolution
摘要 俄罗斯联邦作为拥有超过190个少数民族的多民族国家,其民族情况之复杂、民族立法的体系之庞杂,足以成为一个极具代表性的研究样本。在俄罗斯现有的立法逻辑中,少数民族更多地被视为一个广义上的民族权利主体,按其语言表述和法律概念上的不同,主要划分为基于民族归属的个体权利、基于具体权利主张的个体权利、基于身份认同的少数民族(个体的或群体的)权利、基于原住民特有的身份认同的权利,以及已经出现但是尚未能被俄罗斯学界所广泛承认的、扩大化的少数民族社群的权利,其权利主体包含了久居少数民族聚居地的旧居民的权利,等等。俄罗斯民族立法体系分为联邦-地方两级,民族权利的内容主要侧重教育权和文化权,并基于这样的独特结构,逐渐形成了符合自身历史阶段和利益表达的民族立法的内在法律逻辑结构,在旧有的立法理念之上,根据时代的发展变迁提出了民族的“身份认同”、作为集体权利的民族权利等新理念,以期实现国家认同、民族认同和身份认同的统一。 As a multi-ethnic country with more than 190 ethnic minorities,the Russian Federation is more than enough to become a very representative research sample due to its complicated ethnic situation and complex ethnic legislation system.In the existing legislative logic of Russia,ethnic minorities are more regarded as subjects of national rights in a broad sense.According to the differences in language expression and legal concept,they are mainly divided into individual rights based on ethnic affiliation,individual rights based on specific claims of rights,rights of ethnic minorities(individual or group)based on identity,rights based on the unique identity of indigenous peoples,and rights of the expanded ethnic minority communities that have emerged but have not been widely recognized by the Russian academic community.The main body of rights includes the rights of the old residents who have long lived in the settlements of ethnic minorities,and so on.The Russian national legislative system is divided into two levels:federal and local.The content of national rights mainly focuses on the right of education and cultural rights.Based on this unique structure,the internal legal logic structure of national legislation conforming to its own historical stage and interest expression has gradually formed.On top of the old legislative concepts,and in line with the development and changes of the times,new concepts such as"national identity"and national rights as collective rights have been proposed,with a view to achieving the unity of national identity,ethnic identity and individual identity.
作者 刘秋岑
出处 《世界民族》 北大核心 2023年第2期110-124,共15页 Journal of World Peoples Studies
基金 中国人权研究会2021年课题“共产主义运动史中的人权话语与实践研究”的阶段性成果。
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