

Metallogeny and advances of chromite deposits
摘要 【研究目的】铬铁矿的形成与基性—超基性岩有关,对于铬铁矿的成因机制存在诸多争议,深化铬铁矿的成因研究对于实现铬铁矿找矿突破具有重要意义。【研究方法】通过对前人研究成果的梳理,总结了铬铁矿的成矿类型、成矿时代、矿体特征和成因研究进展。【研究结果】铬铁矿资源和产量高度集中,南非、哈萨克斯坦、芬兰和印度4国的铬铁矿储量占全球的95%以上,南非、哈萨克斯坦和土耳其等国主宰了世界铬铁矿的供应市场。铬铁矿类型主要有原生铬铁矿和次生铬铁矿两大类,原生铬铁矿主要是层状和豆荚状2种类型,次生铬铁矿主要是铬铁矿海滨(或海成)砂矿。层状铬铁矿通常形成于稳定克拉通内部的基性—超基性侵入体内,通常规模巨大。豆荚状铬铁矿与蛇绿岩密切共生,分布最为广泛,但矿床规模普遍较小,其产状、结构构造和共生矿物组合等存在较大差异。豆荚状铬铁矿主要形成于显生宙,少量形成于中—新元古代,层状铬铁矿主要形成于元古代,集中于古元古代。【结论】对于层状铬铁矿成因模式争议较小,主要有同化混染硅铝质围岩和岩浆混合两种模式;而豆荚状铬铁矿的成因模式较多,尚未达成共识,未来应重点聚焦铬的富集机制研究。 This paper is the result of mineral exploration engineering.[Objective]The formation of chromite is generally related to basic-ultrabasic rocks.However,the genetic mechanism of chromite deposit remains controversial.Deciphering the genesis of chromite deposit is of great significance for ore exploration.[Methods]This review work summarizes the ore types,metallogenic age,ore body characteristics and genetic mechanisms of chromite based on previous research results.New perspectives are also provided.[Results]The chromite resources and production are highly concentrated at South Africa,Kazakhstan,Finland and India,accounting for more than 95%of the global chromite reserves.The global chromite supply market is dominated by South Africa,Kazakhstan and Turkey.There are two major chromite types,namely primary and secondary chromite.Primary chromite is mainly stratiform and podiform,while secondary chromite is mainly seashore placer chromite(or marine placer chromite).The stratiform chromite deposit is commonly huge in scale and formed associated with the basic-ultrabasic intrusions within stable cratons.The podiform chromite deposit is widely distributed and closely symbiotic with ophiolite,but the scale of this deposit is generally small.There are obvious differences in the occurrence,fabric,structure and paragenetic association of the two different chromite types.The podiform chromite is mainly formed in the Phanerozoic,with a small amount formed in the Meso-Neoproterozoic.The stratiform chromite is mainly formed in the Proterozoic and concentrated in the Paleoproterozoic.[Conclusions]The genetic model of the stratiform chromite deposit is less controversial,mainly focusing on the contamination mechanism of salic roof rocks and the magma mixture.In contrast,little consensus has been reached on the genetic models of podiform chromite.The enrichment mechanism of chromium is a key issue for more scientific constraints in the future.
作者 周佐民 刘晓阳 龚鹏辉 任军平 谢瑜 孙凯 吴兴源 贺福清 何胜飞 左立波 张航 ZHOU Zuomin;LIU Xiaoyang;GONG Penghui;REN Junping;XIE Yu;SUN Kai;WU Xingyuan;HE Fuqing;HE Shengfei;ZUO Libo;ZHANG Hang(Tianjin Center,China Geological Survey,Tianjin 300170,China)
出处 《中国地质》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第2期425-441,共17页 Geology in China
基金 援卢旺达地质矿产调查项目(WKZB1811BJB301389) 非洲中东部大型铜-钴资源基地评价项目(DD20190439)和非洲中南部重要矿床地质背景 成矿作用和找矿潜力研究(1212011220910)联合资助。
关键词 铬铁矿 成因类型 成矿时代 成因模式 研究进展 矿产勘查工程 chromite genetic type metallogenic age genetic model research progress mineral exploration engineering
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