

Xi Jinping's Important Discussion on the Relationship between Government,Market,and Society:The Principles of Role Identification,Coordination and Theoretical Significance
摘要 习近平关于政府、市场与社会关系的重要论述是习近平新时代中国特色社会主义思想的重要内容,处理好政府、市场与社会关系对深化经济社会体制改革极为关键。政府是“看得见的手”、市场是“看不见的手”、社会是“另一只看不见的手”,要建立强政府、强市场与强社会的“三强鼎立”的治理格局。协调政府、市场与社会关系要秉持有为与有效、公平与效率、秩序与活力、历史与现实相统一的原则。习近平关于政府、市场与社会关系的论述开辟了马克思主义政治经济学新境界,揭示了西方资本主义政治经济学的虚伪性,超越了新型工业化国家发展型政府理论,并为发展中国家协调政府、市场与社会关系提供了新方案,具有深远的理论意义。 Xi Jinping's important discussion on the relationship between government,market,and society as an important content of the thought of socialism with Chinese characteristics in the New era,handling the relationship between the government,the market,and society is crucial to deepening the reform of the economic and social system."The government is the"visible hand",the market is the"invisible hand",and society is the"other invisible hand".It is necessary to establish a governance pattern of strong government,strong market,and strong society,in which the three powers stand in unison.To coordinate the relationship between the government,market,and society,it is necessary to uphold the principles of unity of action and effectiveness,fairness and efficiency,order and vitality,and history and reality.Xi Jinping's discussion on the relationship between government,market,and society has opened up a new realm of Marxist political economics,revealed the hypocrisy of Western capitalist political economics,transcended the theory of developing government in new industrialized countries,and provided a new plan for developing countries to coordinate the relationship between government,market,and society,with far-reaching theoretical significance.
作者 钱周伟 丁粮柯 王超 QIAN Zhouwei;DING Liangke;WANG Chao(Political Science Teaching and Research Department,Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC,Beijing 100044;School of Marxism,Renmin University of China,Beijing 100872;Editorial Department,Party School of the Beijing Municipal Committee of CPC,Beijing 100044)
出处 《实事求是》 2023年第1期5-14,共10页 Seek Truth From Facts
基金 国家社科基金青年项目“党的十八大以来社会主义意识形态建设的制度化及其基本经验研究”(20CKS047)。
关键词 习近平 政府 市场 社会 关系 Government Market Society Relationship
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