
基于数据挖掘探讨中医药治疗麻痹性斜视的用药规律 被引量:1

Exploring the medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine in treating paralytic strabismus based on data mining
摘要 目的 整理、探析中医药治疗麻痹性斜视的用药规律。方法 检索读秀中文数据库、中国知网、万方医学期刊数据库和中文科技期刊数据库(维普)建库以来至2021年9月关于麻痹性斜视中医药治疗的文献。对纳入的方剂进行功效分类,对涉及中药名称、功效、四气、五味、归经进行规范化处理。使用中医传承辅助平台软件的统计报表系统对中药的频次、性味、归经等信息进行挖掘和分析。结果 (1)一般情况:共得到相关中药方剂90个。其中于读秀中文数据库检索得到8部古籍(方剂34个)和7部近现代眼科名家临床经验著作(方剂26个)。于中国知网、万方和维普数据库检索得到20篇文献(方剂30个)。共涉及中药158味,累计使用频次938次。(2)方剂种类频次:排名前5位的分别是治风剂(30次,30.61%)、补益剂(23次,23.47%)、解表剂(19次,19.39%)、理血剂(9次,9.18%)、祛痰剂(7次,7.14%)。(3)中药功效分类及使用频次:使用频次排在前5位的分别是补虚药(211次,22.49%)、解表药(160次,17.06%)、清热药(128次,13.65%)、平肝熄风药(115次,12.26%)、活血化瘀药(93次,9.91%)。中药使用频次排在前5位的分别是甘草(41次,4.37%)、川芎、防风、当归(均为34次,3.63%)、党参(26次,2.77%)。(4)中药的性味归经:中药归经累计频次2,258次,其中肝经用药频次最高,共536次(23.74%)。中药药性累计频次为891次,使用频次最高的为寒性药,共315次(35.35%)。中药药味累计频次1,393次,使用频次以甘味药最多,共470次(33.74%)。结论 麻痹性斜视主要基于其风、虚、瘀病因病机进行辨证、遣方、用药,不同时期治法不同,遣方用药重点不同。 OBJECTIVE To organize and analyze the medication rules of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM)in treating paralytic strabismus.METHODS The literature on TCM treatment for paralytic strabismus were obtained from the databases including Duxiu,CNKI,Wanfang and VIP since the time of database-building to September 2021.The efficacy of the included prescriptions was classified,and the name,function,four nature,five flavor,and meridian tropism of the involved Chinses medicines were standardized with reference.Information on the frequency,nature,flavor,and meridian tropism of the Chinses medicines were mined and analyzed by using the statistical reporting system of Traditional Chinese Medicine Inheritance Assistance Platform software.RESULTS(1)General informaton:A total of 90 relevant TCM prescriptions were obtained.Among them,eight ancient books(34 prescriptions)and seven clinical experience works of famous modern ophthalmologists(26 prescriptions)were retrieved from Duxiu database,a total of 20 articles(30 prescriptions)were retrieved from CNKI,Wanfang and VIP databases.A total of 158 Chinese medicines were involved,with a cumulative frequency of use of 938 times.(2)Frequency of prescription types:The top five prescription types with the highest frequency of use were wind-treating prescription(30 times,30.61%),tonifying prescription(23 times,23.47%),and exterior-releasing prescription(19 times,19.39%),blood-regulating prescription(nine times,9.18%),and expectorant(seven times,7.14%).(3)Function classification and use frequency of Chinese medicines:The top five with the highest frequency of use were tonic drug(211 times,22.49%),exterior-releasing drug(160 times,17.06%),heat-clearing drug(128 times,13.65%),pacifying liver to extinguishing wind drug(115 times,12.26%),and invigorating the blood and removing blood stasis drug(93 times,9.91%).The top five most frequently used Chinses medicines were licorice(41 times,4.37%),ligusticum wallichii(34 times,3.62%),radix sileris(34 times,3.62%),angelica sinensis(34 times,3.62%),and codonopsis pilosula(26 times,2.77%).(4)Nature,flavor,and meridian tropism of Chinese medicines:The cumulative frequency of meridian tropism was 2,258 times,among which the liver meridian had the highest frequency of medication,with a total of 536 times(23.74%).The cumulative frequency of nature was 891 times,with the highest frequency of use being cold medicines,totaling 315 times(35.35%).The cumulative frequency of flavor was 1,393 times,with sweet drug being the most frequently used,totaling 470 times(33.74%).CONCLUSIONS The treatment of paralytic strabismus is mainly based on its etiology and pathogenesis of wind pathogen,deficiency,and stasis,to perform syndrome differentiation,prescription,and medication.The treatment method is different for different disease period,and the key point of prescription and medication also vary in different period.
作者 许碧容 林澜 刘光辉 徐朝阳 XU Birong;LIN Lan;LIU Guanghui;XU Chaoyang(Fujian Provincial People´s Hospital,Fujian University of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Fuzhou 350004,China)
出处 《中国中医眼科杂志》 2023年第5期423-428,共6页 China Journal of Chinese Ophthalmology
基金 福建中医药大学优势学科专项课题(X2022018-专项)。
关键词 麻痹性斜视 中医 中药 用药规律 paralytic strabismus Traditional Chinese Medicine Chinese medicines medica⁃tion rule
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