
Temperature changes in the root ecosystem affect plant functionality

摘要 Climate change is increasing the frequency of extreme heat events that aggravate its negative impact on plant development and agricultural yield.Most experiments designed to study plant adaption to heat stress apply homogeneous high temperatures to both shoot and root.However,this treatment does not mimic the conditions in natural fields,where roots grow in a dark environment with a descending temperature gradient.Excessively high temperatures severely decrease cell division in the root meristem,compromising root growth,while increasing the division of quiescent center cells,likely in an attempt to maintain the stem cell niche under such harsh conditions.Here,we engineered the TGRooZ,a device that generates a temperature gradient for in vitro or greenhouse growth assays.The root systems of plants exposed to high shoot temperatures but cultivated in theTGRooZ grow efficiently and maintain their functionality to sustain proper shoot growth and development.Furthermore,gene expression and rhizosphere or root microbiomecomposition are significantly less affected in TGRooZ-grown roots than in high-temperature-grown roots,correlating with higher root functionality.Our data indicate that use of the TGRooZ in heat-stress studies can improve our knowledge of plant response to high temperatures,demonstrating its applicability from laboratory studies to the field.
出处 《Plant Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2023年第3期197-214,共18页 植物通讯(英文)
基金 the erf115 mutant(SALK_021981) ERF115SDRX,ERF115OE,and pERF115:NLS-GUS/GFP(Heyman et al.,2013) Javier Paz Ares for the phr1 phl1 double mutant and pho2 the CBGP’s Plant Facility Service and Bioinformatic Unit for help with plant growth,treatments,and bioinformatics analyses supported by grants from the Spanish Government BIO2017-82209-R and PID2020-113479RB-I00 granted by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033/to J.C.P and by the"Severo Ochoa Programfor Centres of Excellence in R&D"from the Agencia Estatal de Investigacio´n of Spain(grant SEV-2016-0672 2017-2021)to the C.B.G.P.M.P.G.G.is supported by a postdoctoral contract associated with the"Severo Ochoa Program"and a UPM talent attraction contract.C.M.C.and M.S.-B.are supported by a predoctoral fellowship(BES-2017-082152 and PRE2019-088076 respectively)associated with the Severo Ochoa Program.V.B.G.is supported by theMinistry ofUniversities(predoctoral fellowship FPU20/07453) G.C.was supported by the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council and the National Science Foundation(BBSRC-NSF),grant no.BB/V011294/1,and the Leverhulme Trust,grant no.RPG-2019-337.
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