
2018-2021年全国流动人口肺结核流行特征分析 被引量:9

Analysis on the epidemiological characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis among floating population in China from 2018 to 2021
摘要 目的分析全国流动人口肺结核的流行特征,为制定我国流动人口结核病控制策略提供依据。方法从中国疾病预防控制信息系统结核病管理信息系统导出2018年1月1日—2021年12月31日全国肺结核患者病案信息,筛选出流动人口肺结核患者,并对其人口学特征、患者来源、报告时间等进行分析。结果2018—2021年全国共报告流动人口肺结核患者268927例,历年报告患者数分别为79362、76188、70749、42628例。男性报告176997例,女性91930例,性别比为1.93∶1。报告患者数最多的年龄组为25~34岁(66471例,占24.72%)。患者数最高的职业是农民,其次是家务及待业,分别为90243例(占33.56%)和64924例(占24.14%);2018—2021年农民的构成比呈下降趋势(χ_(趋势)^(2)=1109.94,P<0.05),家务及待业呈上升趋势(χ_(趋势)^(2)=1180.47,P<0.05)。2月的报告患者数最少(13692例,占5.09%),4月最多(27465例,占10.21%)。患者主要来自转诊、因症就诊和追踪,分别占43.31%(116468/268927)、28.63%(76996/268927)和24.10%(64802/268927),其中2018—2021年因症就诊和转诊患者构成比呈上升趋势(χ_(趋势)^(2)=12.298、135.446,P均<0.05),追踪呈下降趋势(χ_(趋势)^(2)=247.449,P<0.05)。省间流动肺结核患者数前5位的省份是广东、浙江、上海、北京和江苏,占省间流动报告总数的66.95%(86987/129923)。结论近年来,我国流动人口肺结核报告患者以男性、中青年为主,职业以农民和家务及待业居多,且存在地区分布差异,疫情形势不容忽视,应针对重点人群、重点区域制定相应的防控策略。 Objective To analyze the epidemic characteristics of pulmonary tuberculosis among the floating population in China for evidence to plan control strategies for tuberculosis in the floating population in China.Methods The medical record data of pulmonary tuberculosis patients were initially retrieved through the Tuberculosis Management Information System of China Information System for Disease Control and Prevention from January 1,2018 to December 31,2021,and then the floating population with pulmonary tuberculosis were screened and analyzed concerning their demographic characteristics,source of the cases identified,and reporting time,etc.Results From 2018 to 2021,a total of 268927 cases of pulmonary tuberculosis were reported in the floating population nationwide.The reported number was 79362,76188,70749 and 42628,respectively in each year.176997 of the patients were males,and 91930 females,with a sex ratio of 1.93∶1.The age group with the highest number of reported cases is 25 to 34 years old(66471,24.72%).By occupation,the number of cases was the highest in farmers,followed by population in household(90243,33.56%)and unemployment(64924,24.14%).The proportion of farmers in each year of the reported cases showed downward trend(χ_(trend)^(2)=1109.94,P<0.05),whereas upward trend in household workers and the unemployed(χ_(trend)^(2)=1180.47,P<0.05).The minimum number of reported cases was in February(13692,5.09%),and the maximum was in April(27465,10.21%).The cases were mainly identified from referrals,self-referral due to symptom and follow-up,accounting for 43.31%(116468/268927),28.63%(76996/268927),and 24.10%(64802/268927),respectively.The proportion showed an upward trend in the cases identified from self-referral due to symptom and referral,yet downward trend in follow-up(χ_(trend)^(2)=12.298,135.446,247.449,all P<0.05).The pulmonary tuberculosis cases identified among inter-provincial floating population were mainly involved in Guangdong,Zhejiang,Shanghai,Beijing and Jiangsu,which accounted for 66.95%(86987/129923)of the total number of the cases reported in inter-provincial mobile reports.Conclusion In recent years,the reported cases of tuberculosis among the floating population in China are primarily seen in male,middle-aged and young people,farmers,household workers and the unemployed.And there are differences in regional distribution.The findings suggest that the situation of epidemic prevention and control cannot be optimistic,and corresponding prevention and control strategies should be formulated by targeting at the key population and regions.
作者 胡冬梅 徐彩红 赵雁林 HU Dong-mei;XU Cai-hong;ZHAO Yan-lin(National Center for Tuberculosis Control and Prevention,Chinese Center for Disease Control and Prevention,Beijing 102206,China)
出处 《热带病与寄生虫学》 CAS 2023年第2期78-81,107,共5页 Journal of Tropical Diseases and Parasitology
基金 中央财政结核病预防控制项目结核业务日常运转(238711)。
关键词 肺结核 流动人口 流行特征 Pulmonary tuberculosis Floating population Epidemiological characteristic
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