

Application of Radio Frequency Interference Cancellation Technology in Communication System Integration
摘要 阐述射频干扰对消技术的特点,当接收端接收到信号前,会先接收到一个干扰信号样本,在接收到信号后,利用这份干扰信号样本将干扰信号对消掉,使所接收的信号内容只保留了需要的信号。探讨通信系统集成中的射频干扰对消技术的应用,包括促进和平台信息系统之间的兼容、射频干扰对消技术能够促进平台系统信息兼容、有效促进平台通信系统的自兼容、射频干扰对消技术的平台。 This paper describes the characteristics of radio frequency interference cancellation technology.When the receiving end receives a signal,it first receives an interference signal sample.After receiving the signal,this interference signal sample is used to eliminate the interference signal,so that only the required signal content is retained in the received signal.Exploring the application of radio frequency interference cancellation technology in communication system integration,including promoting compatibility with platform information systems,the ability of radio frequency interference cancellation technology to promote platform system information compatibility,effectively promoting self compatibility of platform communication systems,and the leveling of radio frequency interference cancellation technology.
作者 周育才 ZHOU Yucai(Tianjin Optoelectronic Communication Technology Co.,Ltd.,Tianjin 300210,China)
出处 《集成电路应用》 2023年第4期16-18,共3页 Application of IC
关键词 通信系统 射频干扰 对消技术 communication system radio frequency interference cancellation technology
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