The paper describes and analyzes the full presence of red in the Old Testament-in Hebrew and translations.The approach is interdisciplinary,which includes:the treatment of color as a cultural unit,according to the idea of Umberto Eco;lexical and contextual semantics;examining Basic Color Terms(BCT-adjective,noun,verb),Prototype Terms(PT blood and fire),Rival Terms of Prototypes(RT),e.g.ruby;Ters for Basic Features of the Prototypes(TBFP burn);translation as a criterion and semiotic value;semiotic osmosis(semio-osmosis)as a process that aims equivalence between Hebrew PT and TBFP;semio-osmosis and accommodation;cultural and linguistic context;the interplay of old information(topic/theme)-new information(focus/rheme);rhizome of Hebrew root Aleph-Dalet-Mem deriving untranslatable set of words;well-structured and always translatable terms for PTs.Some links between the Old and New Testaments based on red color are explicit.