

Examination of a Student in Huizhou in the Early Qing Dynasty:Based on The Weizhai Diary by Zhan Yuanxiang
摘要 清初婺源县浙源乡庆源村生员詹元相遗留的《畏斋日记》,记载了他在康熙三十八年(1699)至康熙四十五年(1706)这八年间,七次参加考试的经历,其中包括两次乡试、两次岁试和三次科试,这为探究清初乡居生员的考试实态提供了良好素材。通过考察发现,他应对的考试为岁试、科试与乡试,考试的频率较高,耗费时间较多,花销高昂。根据收入情况,詹元相尚能负担这些花销。由于科考路途遥远,他的途程观念很强。出于成本考虑,他采取水陆结合、水路为主的方式赶考。詹元相的应试心态积极乐观,始终对考试充满希望,但是也不醉心于考试。从个体经验看,虽然考试给詹元相造成了一些消极影响,但是积极影响还是主要的。 The Weizhai Diary left by Zhan Yuanxiang,a student from Qingyuan Village,Zheyuan Township,Wuyuan County,in the early Qing Dynasty,recorded his experience of taking seven examinations during the eight years from the 38th year of the Kangxi Reign(1699)to the 45th year of the Kangxi Reign(1706),including two local examinations,two annual examinations and three subject examinations,which provided good materials for exploring the actual situation of the examination of rural residents in the early Qing Dynasty.Through investigation,the examinations he had to deal with were the annual examination,the subject examination and the rural examination.The frequency of the examinations was high,time-consuming and expensive.According to his income,Zhan Yuanxiang could afford the cost of the exam.Because of the long journey to the examination site,he had a strong sense of journey.For the sake of cost,he took the way of combining land and water and mainly by waterway.Zhan Yuanxiang had a positive and optimistic attitude towards the exam,and he was always hopeful about the exam,but he was not obsessed with it.From individual experience,although the examination had some negative effects on Zhan Yuanxiang,the positive effects were still the main force.
作者 张兴 田敏 Zhang Xing;Tian Min(School of History,Anhui Normal University,Wuhu,Anhui,241002;Leshan Lizhida Senior High School,Meishan,Sichuan,620000)
出处 《考试研究》 2023年第3期100-108,共9页 Examinations Research
关键词 詹元相 《畏斋日记》 生员 考试 Zhan Yuanxiang The Weizhai Diary Students Examination
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