
尾矿库环境风险管控相关政策分析及建议 被引量:8

Analysis and Suggestions of Environmental Risk Control Strategy for Tailings Ponds
摘要 我国尾矿库情况复杂,安全及环境风险高,监管难度大,系统分析尾矿库的环境风险,开展有效管控非常重要.尾矿中含有重金属等有毒有害物质,随着矿山废水、废渣、粉尘排放会对周围环境造成危害,特别是突发事故发生时,废水及尾矿会短时间内大量排入环境,而产生重大人员伤亡、财产损失和生态环境损害.因此,不仅要开展正常工况下的污染防控,更要注重从源头防止事故次生的环境风险.本文从尾矿库安全风险防范化解、环境污染风险防控、突发事故应急管理梳理并分析了相关法律、政策.此外,总结并讨论了典型制度,涉及项目准入、责任与落实、监测预警制度.总体上,安全风险管控制度较为完善,但污染风险管控制度存在诸多问题,如体制尚未完全捋顺、责任落实抓手不够、监测预警能力不足等.针对目前管控存在的问题,立足于全国尾矿库数量原则上只减不增的新需求,提出相关工作建议:一是要厘清各部门责任,进一步完善尾矿库环境风险管控制度体系;二是要提高各方责任落实能力,推动制度落地见效;三是要开展技术及政策支持,推动尾矿资源综合利用. The tailings ponds in China have the characteristics of high safety and environmental risks,and it is difficult to supervise due to the complex situation.It is very important to systematically analyze the environmental risks of tailings ponds and carry out targeted and effective control.The tailings contain heavy metals and other toxic substances,may cause environmental pollution through discharging of mine waste water,waste residue and dust.Especially sudden accidents will lead to a large number of waste water and tailings discharged into the environment in a short time,resulting in heavy casualties,property losses and ecological environment damage.Therefore,it is necessary not only to carry out pollution prevention and control under normal working conditions,but also to prevent secondary environmental risks caused by accidents from the source.This paper sorts out and discusses the relevant laws and policies from three aspects:tailings pond safety risk prevention and resolution,environmental pollution risk prevention and control,and emergency management of accidents.In addition,it summarizes and discusses the relevant typical regulatory controls,involving project access,responsibility and implementation,monitoring and early warning.In general,the safety risk management and control system is relatively perfect,but there are many problems in the pollution risk management and control system,such as the organization system has not been completely smoothed out,the implementation of responsibilities is not enough,and the monitoring and early warning capabilities are insufficient.Base on the environmental management requirements that the tailings ponds number can only be reduced but not increased in principle,suggestions are put forward to provide reference for effective control decisions on environmental risks of tailings ponds.It is necessary to clarify the responsibilities of each department and further improve the environmental risk control system of tailings ponds.It is also necessary to enhance the ability of all parties to implement their responsibilities and promote effective implementation of the policies.The last suggestion is to provide technical and policy support to promote the comprehensive utilization of tailings resources.
作者 王宏洋 王旭 陈海燕 赵晓丽 沈亚琴 柳慧芳 李会仙 WANG Hongyang;WANG Xu;CHEN Haiyan;ZHAO Xiaoli;SHEN Yaqin;LIU Huifang;LI Huixian(State Key Laboratory of Environmental Criteria and Risk Assessment,Chinese Research Academy of Environmental Sciences,Beijing 100012,China;Beijing Miyun District Ecology and Environment Bureau,Beijing 101500,China)
出处 《环境科学研究》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1052-1060,共9页 Research of Environmental Sciences
基金 国家重点研发计划项目(No.2021YFE0106600)。
关键词 尾矿库 环境风险 管控政策 项目准入 责任与落实 监测预警 tailings pond environmental risk control strategy project access responsibility and implementation monitoring and early warning
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