

The Theoretical Logic and Practical Approach of University Subsidized Education in the New Era
摘要 资助育人是集资助形式与育人内核为一体的人才培养事业。人的需要为资助育人提供内生动力,人的本质的可塑性、社会性和实践性为资助育人的实现提供了依据和条件。资助育人的价值旨归在于实现学生个人价值与社会价值相统一。新中国成立以来,资助育人在国家建设和社会发展中发挥了重要作用,是关涉国计民生的伟大事业,是中国共产党“以人民为中心”执政理念的微观体现,是中国特色社会主义高校坚持马克思主义的具体实践,也是思想政治教育因事而化因时而进因势而新的生动演绎。新时代资助育人要坚持守正创新,汲取资助育人的历史工作经验,坚持围绕立德树人根本任务,培育能够担当民族复兴大任的时代新人,纵深推进教育公平,助力实现共同富裕。 Subsidizing education is a talent cultivation enterprise that integrates the form of financing and the core of education.The needs of human beings provide endogenous impetus for supporting education,and the plasticity,sociality and practicality of human nature provide the basis and conditions for the realization of supporting education.The value aim of subsidizing education is to realize the unity of students‘personal value and social value.Since the founding of the People‘s Republic of China,funding education has played an important role in national construction and social development.It is a great cause related to the national economy and the people‘s livelihood,a microcosmic embodiment of the CPC‘s“people centric”ruling philosophy,a specific practice of adhering to Marxism in socialist colleges and universities with Chinese characteristics,and a vivid interpretation of ideological and political education that changes with the times and changes with the situation.In the new era,funding education should adhere to integrity and innovation,learn from the historical work experience of funding education,adhere to the fundamental task of cultivating people around morality,cultivate new people who can take on the task of national rejuvenation,promote education equity in depth,and help achieve common prosperity.
作者 王亚男 WANG Yanan(Central University of Finance and Economics,Beijing 100098,China)
出处 《南华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期23-27,共5页 Journal of University of South China(Social Science Edition)
基金 国家社会科学基金教育学研究项目“完善新时代思想政治工作体系研究”资助(编号:BEA220040)。
关键词 新时代 资助育人 高校思想政治教育 立德树人 new era support education ideological and political education in colleges and universities to establish virtue and cultivate people
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