

Historical Evolution,Function Mechanism and Cultivation Path of"Co-governance of Morality and Law"——From Perspective of Ideology and Morality and the Rule of Law
摘要 “德法共治”是中国特色社会主义法治道路的显著特色。“德法共治”根植于中国传统礼法合治的治理实践,是对礼法合治的创造性转化和创新性发展。“德法共治”形成于法治轨道上的德法合力:法治和德治在法治轨道上互动、互补、互融,共同发力并走向价值归一。“德法共治”作用于时代新人的培育进路:“思想道德和法治”课程应探索出以“德法共治”为内容的教学体系设计、引导大学生建构德法并存的行为模式、着力引领大学生开启德法并存的法治生活方式,为新时代治国理政输送德法兼备的合格人才。 The"Co-governance of Morality and Law"is a prominent feature of the socialist rule of law path with Chinese characteristics.The"Co-governance of Morality and Law"is rooted in the traditional Chinese governance practice of the combination of rites and laws,and is a creative transformation and de-velopment of the combination of rites and laws.The"Co-governance of Morality and Law"is formed from the joint efforts of morality and law under the rule of law:the rule of law and the rule of morality interact,complement and integrate with each other on the track of law,and work together to unify values.The"Co governance of Morality and Law"plays a role in the cultivation of young people in new era:The course of"Ideology and Morality and the Rule of Law"should explore the teaching system design with"Co-gover-nance of Morality and Law"as the content,guide college students to construct the behavior mode of co-ex-ist of morality and law,focus on leading college students the legal life style of co-exist of morality and law,and transport qualified talents with both morality and law for the governance of the new era.
作者 吕航 刘霞 LYU Hang;LIU Xia(College of Marxism,Jilin University,Changchun 130012,China;Tonghua County No.7 Middle School,Tonghua 134100,China)
出处 《通化师范学院学报》 2023年第5期17-24,共8页 Journal of Tonghua Normal University
基金 2021年吉林省社会科学基金项目(思政研究专项)“习近平法治思想融入新时代大学生法治思维培育研究”(2021S14)。
关键词 依法治国 以德治国 德法共治 “思想道德与法治” rule the country by law rule the country by morality Co-governance of Morality and Law Ideology,Morality and the Rule of Law
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