
马克思《德法年鉴》时期的“旧制度”概念与德国解放问题 被引量:1

Marx's Concept of"Ancien Régime"and the Issue of Germany's Liberation During the German-French Almanac Period
摘要 在《〈黑格尔法哲学批判〉导言》中,马克思援引了法国的“旧制度”概念来批判德国的社会现状。这一“概念迁移”的现象背后暗含着马克思对德国社会现状的深刻讽刺和剖析。综合《导言》和《论犹太人问题》两个文本来看,“旧制度”概念深刻揭示出了当时德国的现状,即政治上实行君主专制,经济上保留了封建残余,思想文化上继续受到宗教精神的支配;也说明了德国“时代错乱”的内在意涵,即现代国家的文明缺陷和旧社会的落后缺陷在德国社会中交织并存。由此可见,马克思的“旧制度”概念构成了《导言》的“批判”视域和《问题》的“解放”视域之间的理论关联,深刻揭露了德国谋求政治解放的困境,从而促使马克思转而探索人类解放的真正道路。 In An Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right,Marx quoted a French concept"ancien régime"to criticize Germany's status quo.This phenomenon of"concept transformation"implied Marx's profound sarcasm and analysis of Germany's status quo.From the perspective of the Introduction and On the Jewish Question,the concept of"old system"profoundly reveals the current situation of Germany:the absolute monarchy in political perspective,the feudal remnants in economic perspective,and dominated by the religious spirit in ideological and cultural perspective.This shows the internal meaning of Germany's"status quo":the civilization defects of modern countries and the backward defects of the old society interwoven and coexist in German society.Marx's concept of"old system"constitutes the theoretical correlation between the"critical"perspective of the Introduction and the"liberation"perspective of the Problem,which deeply exposes the dilemma of Germany in seeking political liberation,thus prompting Marx to turn to exploring the real path of human liberation.
作者 岑泽远 CEN Ze-yuan(School of Marxism,Peking University,Beijing 100871,China)
出处 《山东青年政治学院学报》 2023年第3期1-6,共6页 Journal of Shandong Youth University of Political Science
关键词 《〈黑格尔法哲学批判〉导言》 《论犹太人问题》 “旧制度” 政治解放 An Introduction to the Critique of Hegel's Philosophy of Right On the Jewish Question Ancien Régime Germany's status quo political liberation
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