

The Patriotic Voice of the Student Groups in the United States during the Paris Peace Conference——Centered on the New York Chinese Patriotic Committee
摘要 巴黎和会期间,纽约华人爱国会先后发行了数种关于中日关系以及山东问题的宣传册。这些宣传册以美国民众为读者群体,试图为中国合法权益辩护,为中国“发声”。对保存至今的六份爱国会宣传册的重新审视,发现其在以何为中国“发声”上采取了晓之以理、劝之以义、诱之以利的言说路径,在如何为中国“发声”上采取了形象建构以及类比延伸式说理两种策略与技巧。基于上述对于宣传册的重新审视,将爱国会宣传册视为文本,从文本的建构者与读者,及其共处的建构环境两个维度,尝试分析其中爱国话语的言说方式。 During the Paris Peace Conference,the New York Chinese Patriotic Committee issued several brochures on Sino-Japanese relations and the Shandong issues.These brochures,which are readers of the American people,attempt to justify China’s legitimate rights and interests.The analysis of the six copies of the Patriotic Committee brochures that have been preserved so far reveals that they have adopted a path of eloquence,persuasion,and lure in what is China's"sounding".In terms of how to"speak"for China,these brochures adopt two strategies and techniques:image construction and analogy extension.Based on the above analysis of the brochure,the Patriotic Committee brochure as a text,from the perspective of the constructor and reader of the text and the construction environment,this paper attempts to analyze the way of patriotic discourse.
作者 雷乐街 LEI Lejie(School of Marxism,Anhui University of Finance and Economics,Bengbu Anhui,233030,China)
出处 《安庆师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期121-128,共8页 Journal of Anqing Normal University:Social Science Edition
关键词 巴黎和会 旅美华人 留学生 爱国会 宣传册 the Paris Peace Conference Chinese patriotic Committee patriotic voice image construction analogy extension
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