

Is the“Machine”Too Smart:ChatGPT and New Changes in Social Development
摘要 2022年11月,美国OpenAI开发的聊天机器人ChatGPT一经推出,在全球范围内迅速走红,其月活用户仅两个月时间便突破1亿,引起各方关注,一时人人争相谈论ChatGPT。ChatGPT究竟是什么,其技术核心为何?其颠覆性潜力能否带来颠覆性变革,又将为既有的社会发展格局带来哪些变数?我们该如何看待它?大数据与人工智能狂飙突进的时代,我们尤须思考人类如何不被取代,新技术如何为我所用。为此,《探索与争鸣》特邀请各领域专家,策划了“‘机’智过人?——ChatGPT与社会发展新变”圆桌会议,希望全景式呈现ChatGPT对新闻传播、职业前景、经济运行、版权保护、信息治理、教育生态等领域的影响和挑战。 November 2022,ChatGPT,the chatbot developed by OpenAI,quickly became a global sensation,reaching over 100 million monthly active users in just two months.Its popularity attracted attention and fans from all walks of life,sparking discussions about its potential impact.Will ChatGPT's disruptive potential bring about significant changes,and what kind of impact will it have on existing social development?How should we view this innovative technology?As we navigate through the age of big data and artificial intelligence,it is crucial to consider how we can make new technologies work for us instead of replacing us.In February 2023,we held a roundtable conference titled“Is the‘Machine'Too Smart?ChatGPT and New Changes in Social Development”The conference aims to present a comprehensive view of the impact and challenges of ChatGPT on journalism,professional development,economy,copyright protection,information governance,education ecology and other fields.Professor Xiong Hongkai summarized the scientific ideas and core technologies behind ChatGPT,and further answered essential questions such as how to view knowledge and truth,how to view one's own life,and how to view the lives of others under the wave of new artificial intelligence technology.Professor Yu Guoming proposed that ChatGPT has ushered in the era of intelligent interconnection,bringing about a profound transformation in the felds of society and communication,including the“sinking”of communication power,the algorithmization of the core logic of communication,the transformation of the media industry,and the migration of mainstream media roles.Professor Qiu Zeqi summarized that ChatGPT currently lacks some of the unique human abilities and can only replace some of the work of human professions.Professor Wang Qian advocated that the content autonomously generated by ChatGPT does not belong to“human”works and should not receive the incentive and protection of copyright law.Professor Yi Xianrong pointed out that ChatGPT is essentially a significant transformation of human society's knowledge and information production,which will form a new social and economic operating ecology and herald the opening of a more mature,fair and innovative big data era.Professor Wu Xiaokun believes that the application of ChatGPT in the news production process has eliminated the field effect of news production.However,since the issues of information authenticity and ethics cannot be resolved,ChatGPT cannot replace good journalism.Professor Gu Xiaoqing believes that we should examine the ecological relationship between technology,society and education,meanwhile focus on what education is in the intelligent era.Professor Tang Jingtai pointed out that the development and application of ChatGPT have brought about the intelligent production and dissemination of rumors.Coupled with the inevitable“illusions”and translation problems of ChatGPT,these have brought severe challenges to the governance of rumors in the intelligent era.
作者 熊红凯 喻国明 邱泽奇 王迁 易宪容 吴小坤 顾小清 汤景泰 Xiong Hongkai;Yu Guoming;Qiu Zeqi;Wang Qian;Yi Xianrong;Wu Xiaokun;Gu Xiaoqing;TangJingtai
出处 《探索与争鸣》 北大核心 2023年第3期4-35,177,共33页 Exploration and Free Views
基金 国家社科基金重大项目“媒体融合中的版权理论与运用研究”(19ZDA330)的阶段性成果。
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