

Strategic coupling and resilience of investment from Taiwan under external shocks:A case study of Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry
摘要 区域经济韧性是经济地理学的热门议题,但对于区域经济的重要构成——境外投资产业在地方的发展韧性却鲜有关注。基于战略耦合视角,将境外投资发展韧性概念化为一种“关系韧性”,提出一种理解和分析境外投资发展韧性差异的方法。通过对漳平永福台资高山茶产业的实地调研和深度访谈,分析永福台资高山茶产业应对外部冲击关键时刻的路径演化与耦合重构。结果显示:产业发展初期对内地消费市场的忽视,致使永福台资高山茶产业缺乏对于疫情及中国台湾当局贸易封锁等外部需求冲击的抵抗能力,韧性较差;外部冲击下,永福台资高山茶产业被迫与海外网络脱钩,重新进行价值捕获与提升,而两岸各领域融合发展的国家政策主张则为其提供了耦合重构的“机会窗口”,永福台资高山茶产业的战略耦合模式由外向型战略耦合重构转变为以企业为主导、地方为基础跟随于国家发展政策主张的本土化耦合。在耦合重构过程中高山茶企业的空间粘性升高,根植动机更加充分,退出概率降低,耦合模式的转变促进了其韧性建立;永福台资高山茶产业在经历外部冲击后的实质性耦合重配和定位响应了国家两岸各领域融合发展的政策主张,在终端市场切换和衍生新产业方面获得战略耦合机构的支持。战略耦合视角能结合境外投资发展韧性的“演化”与“关系”内涵,有助于提升境外投资发展韧性的理论和实证研究。 Regional economic resilience is the subject of intense scholarly debate in the sector of economic geography,but little attention has been paid to the resilience of the offshore investment industry,which is an indispensable component of the regional economy.In this study,the resilience of offshore investment′s development in the invested region was conceptualized as a kind of"relational resilience"from a strategic coupling perspective.Besides,a method was proposed to analyze and elucidate the differences in the resilience of offshore investment′s development.Furthermore,field research and in-depth interviews with the Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry in Zhangping National Taiwan Farmers′Entrepreneurship Park were made to investigate its evolution path and coupling reconfiguration in response to the external shocks at critical moments.The results show that Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry exhibits poor resilience and the industry is susceptible to the impact of external factors such as the epidemic and Taiwan′s trade blockade on account of the neglect of the mainland market in the early stage of industrial development.Under the external impact,Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry is forced to decouple from the overseas network,and it has to re-capture and enhance its value.At this time,the national policy provides a"window of opportunity"for its coupling and reconstruction.Adhering to the national development policy,the strategic coupling mode of Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry has been altered from the export-oriented pattern to the enterprise-led and locally-based pattern.In the process of coupling reconstruction,the spatial stickiness of Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry has increased,and the change of the coupling mode has promoted the embeddeness of its resilience.To respond to the national policy,Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry has taken substantial coupling reallocation and positioning measures to resist the external impact,and it has gained the support of strategic coupling institutions in the terminal market switch and the derivative of new industries.Consequently,the competitiveness of Yongfu Gaoshan Tea industry is improved,and its resilience is enhanced since the derivative industries disperse external risks.By combining the"evolutionary"and"relational"connotations of offshore investment′s development resilience,strategic coupling can facilitate the theoretical and empirical research on offshore investment′s development resilience.
作者 孙继平 韦素琼 游小珺 SUN Jiping;WEI Suqiong;YOU Xiaojun(School of Geography Science,School of Carbon Neutrality Future Technology,Fujian Normal University,Fuzhou 350007,China)
出处 《地理研究》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期1200-1214,共15页 Geographical Research
基金 国家自然科学基金项目(41771136) 福建省自然科学基金(2022J01163)。
关键词 韧性 全球生产网络 战略耦合 耦合断裂 境外投资 永福台资高山茶产业 resilience global production network strategic coupling coupling rupture offshore investment Yongfu Taiwan Gaoshan Tea
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