

Research on the Origin of the Porcelains for the Use of the Seigniors in Jiajing Reign of the Ming Dynasty
摘要 以考古发现的嘉靖时期藩王居址及墓葬所出土的青花瓷器为主要研究对象,进而判断其生产年代,在此基础上,结合器物纹饰、青花用料等特征进行来源分析。在以往青花瓷器生产的年代判断上仅是以纪年款识为依据,而本文结合《江西大志》等历史文献对青花用料的记载,再辅助以藩王生活的具体时代,综合这几项因素对出土瓷器进行断代。并在此基础上,与弘治、正德时期藩王用瓷的装饰图案相比,发现其图案的个性特征。结合器物的款识,再推断是否为藩王定制的产品,并分析嘉靖时期藩王的用瓷主要为民窑定烧,这既不同于官搭民烧的产品,也与民窑生产的普通商品相区别。 This paper takes the blue and white porcelains archaeologically discovered from the residences and tombs of the seigniors of the Jiajing reign as the main research objects,and judges their production time.On this basis,source analysis is made with reference to the characteristics of the ornamentation of the wares and the blue and white pigments.In the past,the chronology of blue and white porcelain production was only based on the reign title marks.This paper seeks to determine the production time of these excavated porcelains based on the records of the blue and white pigments in historical documents such as“An Overall Record of Jiangxi”and the exact life periods of the seigniors.The individual characteristics of the ware patterns were studied with a comparison with that of the porcelains used by the seigniors during the Hongzhi and Zhengde reigns.Then it can be concluded whether these porcelains were customized products for the seigniors with further reference to reign title marks.Finally,a conclusion is reached that these porcelains for the use of the seigniors of the Jiajing reign were exclusively produced by folk kilns.These porcelains were different from the ones produced in the kilns that were sponsored by government and run by civilians,and the common porcelains produced by folk kilns.
作者 杨君谊 朱姗姗 YANG Junyi;ZHU Shanshan(Shandong University of Finance and Economics,Jinan 250014,China;Jingdezhen University,Jingdezhen 333000,China)
出处 《中国陶瓷》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第5期67-71,共5页 China Ceramics
基金 江西省社会科学“十四五”(2022)年基金项目《景德镇明清御窑厂考古遗产与大遗址保护研究》(22LS10)。
关键词 嘉靖 回青料 藩王用瓷 御器厂 Jiajing reign Blue and white pigment imported from Persia Porcelains for the use of seigniors The Imperial Porcelain Factory
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