
刑事拘留非紧急性候审化及其纠偏 被引量:2

Non-urgent Awaiting Trial of Criminal Detention and Its Correction
摘要 现行羁押治理评价体系大多未纳入刑事拘留适用,为实质推进“少捕慎诉慎押”刑事司法政策,有必要对此加以反思。功能定位层面,域外主要法治国家均在强制措施体系中严格贯彻“强制到案”与“羁押候审”二元分离,以此为标尺,我国刑事拘留呈现两者混同之双重定位,应予以澄清,并避免将拘留异化为逮捕之常规前置措施。适用场域层面,在立法规定语焉不详之情形下,应结合纵向历史解释与横向比较考察,以比例原则划定“紧急情况”为拘留适用之限制条件。立足前述层面,可以发现我国刑事拘留适用呈现“非紧急性候审化”特征,具体表现为拘留率高企、超期拘留久禁不绝、刑拘直诉大行其道。对此,应当改革拘留适用条件与期限规定、推进非羁押性强制措施适用、完善非法拘留程序制裁机制,以矫正刑事拘留适用异化倾向。 Most of the current evaluation systems for custody governance have not been incorporated into the application of criminal detention.In order to substantially promote the criminal justice policy of“less arrest and cautious prosecution and custody”,it is necessary to reflect on this.At the level of functional positioning,major countries under the rule of law outside the region strictly implement the dual separation of“compulsory attendance”and“detention pending trial”in the system of coercive measures.Taking this as a yardstick,China’s criminal detention presents a dual positioning of confusion between the two,which should be clarified and should be avoided from alienating detention as a conventional pre-emptive measure for arrest.At the field of application level,in the case of vague legislative provisions,it is necessary to combine longitudinal historical interpretations with horizontal comparative studies,and use the principle of proportionality to define“emergency situations”as the limiting conditions for the application of detention.Based on the above level,it can be found that the application of criminal detention in China presents the characteristics of“non urgent awaiting trial”,specifically manifested in high detention rates,prolonged detention,and the prevalence of the system of the direct prosecution during criminal detention.Therefore,it is necessary to reform the applicable conditions and duration of detention,promote the application of non-custodial coercive measures,and improve the sanction mechanism for illegal detention procedures in order to correct the alienation tendency of criminal detention application.
作者 郭烁 GUO Shuo(Procedural Law Research Institute,China University of Political Science and Law,Beijing 100088,China)
出处 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2023年第2期77-88,共12页 Journal of Soochow University(Philosophy & Social Science Edition)
基金 北京市社会科学基金重点项目“大数据侦查视野下的公民基本权利保护研究”(项目编号:20FXA003) 中国政法大学青年教师学术创新团队支持计划“行政法典立法研究”(项目编号:21CXTD07)的阶段性成果
关键词 刑事拘留 强制到案 羁押候审 紧急情况 非紧急性候审化 criminal custody compulsory attendance detention pending trial emergency circumstances non-urgent awaiting trial
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