
穴位贴敷命门穴结合艾灸八髎穴在治疗原发性痛经中的应用及护理措施分析 被引量:1

Application of acupoint application at Mingmen point combined with moxibustion at Baliao point in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea and analysis of nursing measures
摘要 目的 分析穴位贴敷命门穴结合艾灸八髎穴在治疗原发性痛经中的应用及护理措施。方法 选取原发性痛经患者150例,以随机数字表法将其分为两组。两组均采用穴位贴敷命门穴结合艾灸八髎穴治疗,对照组治疗期间接受常规护理措施,观察组增加人性照护理论下护理模式。两组均护理3个月。比较各项临床指标。结果 与护理前相比,护理后5 d、10 d、15 d两组生活质量调查表评分均升高,且观察组高于对照组;与护理前相比,护理后两组焦虑自评量表评分、抑郁自评量表评分、各项症状量表评分均降低,且观察组低于对照组;观察组护理满意度高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 针对痛经患者,穴位贴敷命门穴结合艾灸八髎穴联合人性照护理论护理可以提高患者生活质量,缓解焦虑、抑郁状态,改善心理状态,提高满意度。 Objective To analyze the application of acupoint application at Mingmen point combined with moxibustion at Baliao point in the treatment of primary dysmenorrhea and nursing measures.Methods 150 patients with primary dysmenorrhea were selected and divided into two groups by random number table method.The two groups were treated by acupoint application of Mingmen point combined with moxibustion Baliao point.On the basis that,the control group received routine nursing measures during the treatment period,the observation group added the nursing mode under the human nature nursing theory.Both groups were treated for 3 months.The clinical indicators were compared.Results Compared with before nursing,the score of life quality questionnaire of 5 d,10 d and 15 d after nursing increased,and the observation group was higher than the control group;Compared with before nursing,the scores of self-rating anxiety scale,self-rating depression scale and symptom scale decreased of two groups after nursing,and the observation group was lower than the control group;The nursing satisfaction of the observation group was higher than that of control group,the differences were statistically significant(P<0.05).Conclusion For patients with primary dysmenorrhea,acupoint application at Mingmen point combined with moxibustion at Baliao point combined with human nature nursing theory can improve the quality of life of patients,relieve anxiety and depression,improve psychological state and improve satisfaction.
作者 杜巧娣 热娜 宋小磊 Du Qiaodi;Re Na;Song Xiaolei(Department of Gynecology,Shenzhen Integrated Hospital of Traditional Chinese and Western medicine,Shenzhen,Guangdong 518104,China)
出处 《实用妇科内分泌电子杂志》 2022年第35期102-104,共3页 Electronic Journal of Practical Gynecological Endocrinology
关键词 穴位贴敷 艾灸 原发性痛经 人性照护理论 Acupoint application Moxibustion Primary dysmenorrhea Human nature nursing theory
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