目的 :探讨眼睑恶性肿瘤的发病特点和治疗效果。方法 :按病理诊断对我院近 10年手术摘除的眼睑肿瘤做一回顾性分析。结果 :总计眼睑恶性肿瘤 5 2例 5 3眼 ,占全部眼睑肿瘤的 2 1 1%。男性 3 0例 ,女性 2 2例 (约 1 3∶1)。年龄 44~ 81岁 ,平均60 5岁。病程 3个月~ 2 0年。发生在下睑者为多 (2 8眼 ,5 2 8% )。其中居前三位者为基底细胞癌 (2 4眼 ,45 3 % )、睑板腺癌(14眼 ,2 6 4% )、鳞状细胞癌 (11眼 ,2 0 7% )。平均发病年龄依次为 63岁、 60岁和 5 6岁 ,平均病程依次为 6年、 2 0个月和1年。其中基底细胞癌发生在左下睑 13眼 (5 4 2 % ) ,睑板腺癌上睑 11眼 (68 8% ) ,鳞状细胞癌左下睑 7眼 (63 6% )。随观3 8眼 ,复发 5眼 ,死亡 3例。结论 :上述三种主要恶性眼睑肿瘤均以老年发病为主 ,其发病年龄依次下降 ,病程依次缩短。发病部位各有特点 ,治疗以手术为主。
Objective:To investigate the clinical characteristics and treatment of the malignant tumors of eyelids. Methods:52 cases(53 eyes)of eyelid tumor with histopathological diagnosis were retrospectively analyzed.30 cases were male and 22 cases were female.The age of the patients were ranged from 44 to 81(the mean was 60 5). Results:Among all of the cases,21.1% were malignant tumors.The course of disease was ranged from 3 months to 20 years.The incidence of the tumor at lower lid was 28 eyes(52 8%).The 3 leading malignant tumors were basal cell carcinomas,Meibom gland carcinomas and squamous cell carcinomas.The mean ages of the incidence were 63,60 and 56.The mean courses of disease were 6 years,20 months and 1 year.The place tend to illness was Basal cell carcinomas at left lower lid(13 eyes,54 2%),Meibom gland carcinomas at supper lid (11 eyes,68 8%),squamous cell carcinomas at left lower lid(7 eyes,63 6%).5 cases were recurred,3 cases were died among all the 38 cases followed up. Conclusions:All the three kinds of tumor mentioned above tend to affect old patients.The sites tend to illness of the tumors were different.Operation was the main treatment.
Chinese Journal of Practical Ophthalmology