
The regenerative response of cardiac interstitial cells 被引量:1

摘要 Understanding how certain animals are capable of regenerating their hearts will provide much needed insights into how this process can be induced in humans in order to reverse the damage caused by myocardial infarction.Currently,it is becoming increasingly evident that cardiac interstitial cells play crucial roles during cardiac regeneration.To understand how interstitial cells behave during this process,we performed single-cell RNA sequencing of regenerating zebrafish hearts.Using a combination of immunohistochemistry,chemical inhibition,and novel transgenic animals,we were able to investigate the role of cell type-specific mechanisms during cardiac regeneration.This approach allowed us to identify a number of important regenerative processes within the interstitial cell populations.Here,we provide detailed insight into how interstitial cells behave during cardiac regeneration,which will serve to increase our understanding of how this process could eventually be induced in humans.
出处 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2022年第10期19-36,共18页 分子细胞生物学报(英文版)
基金 MRI is supported by the French National Research Agency(ANR-10-INBS-04,‘Investments for the future') MGX acknowledges financial support from France Génomique National infrastrusture,funded as part of Investissement d‘Avenir’program managed by Agence National pour la Recherche(ANR-10-INBS-09) The Jopling lab is part of the Laboratory of Excellence lon Channel Science and Therapeutics supported by a grant from the ANR Work in the Jopling lab is supported by grants from the‘la Fondation Leducq'and from the ANR(ANR-20-CE14-003 MetabOx-Heart) A.H.was supported by European Research Area Network on Cardiovascular Diseases(ERA-CVD,ANR-18-ECVD-0006)awarded to T.M.-M.
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