

Effect of Perioperative Nursing Intervention on Patients with Otitis Media and Mastoidectomy
摘要 目的探讨中耳炎乳突根治术患者围手术期护理干预价值,方法选取中耳炎乳突根治术患者100例,均为我院2020年6月至2022年6月收治,随机分为两组,各50例,其中,对照组进行常规干预,观察组在围手术期开展整体、精细化的护理干预,对比护理效果。结果在术前1 d、术后2 d,观察组收缩压、心率无差异(P>0.05),对照组明显升高,组间差异显著(P<0.05)。在干预后,对两组自我护理能力指标评分,观察组各项评分均较对照组更高(P<0.05)。观察组相对干耳时间、住院天数相较对照组均呈更少显示(P<0.05)。两组干预后,舒适度评分均升高、纯音测听值均降低,观察组较对照组更为显著(P<0.05)。两组干预后,经对生活质量指标评分,且观察组各项评分均较对照组更高(P<0.05)。观察组并发症发生率低于对照组(P<0.05)。结论中耳炎患者采用乳突根治术治疗,重视开展围手术期护理干预,可使生命体征、情绪保持稳定,提高自我管理能力,改善临床症状,缩短术后恢复时间,提高生活质量,且具有更高安全性。 Objective To explore the value of perioperative nursing intervention for patients with otitis media mastoidectomy.Methods One hundred patients with otitis media mastoidectomy were selected,all of whom were treated in our hospital from June 2020 to June 2022.They were randomly divided into 50 patients,of which,the control group was given routine intervention,and the observation group was given overall and refined nursing intervention during the perioperative period,to compare the effects.Results There was no difference in systolic blood pressure and heart rate in the observation group 1 day before and 2 days after operation(P>0.05),while the control group was significantly higher,with significant difference between the groups(P<0.05).After intervention,the self-care ability index of the two groups was evaluated,and the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).The relative dry ear time and hospitalization days in the observation group were less than those in the control group(P<0.05).After intervention,the comfort score increased and the pure tone audiometric value decreased in both groups,which was more significant in the observation group(P<0.05).After intervention,the quality of life index of the two groups was evaluated,and the observation group was higher than that in the control group(P<0.05).The complication rate in the observation group was lower than that in the control group(P<0.05).Conclusion For patients with otitis media treated by radical mastoidectomy,attention should be paid to the perioperative nursing intervention,which can keep the vital signs and emotions stable,improve the selfmanagement ability,improve the clinical symptoms,shorten the postoperative recovery time,improve the quality of life,and have higher safety.
作者 林丽芬 LIN Lifen(Department of Otolaryngology,Anxi County Hospital,Quanzhou City,Fujian Province,Quanzhou 362400,China)
出处 《中国医药指南》 2023年第13期149-151,共3页 Guide of China Medicine
关键词 中耳炎 乳突根治术 围手术期护理干预 效果观察 Otitis media Radical mastoidectomy Perioperative nursing intervention Effect observation
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