以石家庄市某土壤源热泵项目为研究对象,通过对冬季运行工况的实时监测,分析了土壤源热泵系统在石家庄市的运行性能和该项目的运行效果。结果表明:负荷侧和地源侧供回水温度的变化均会受到室外气温的影响,且负荷侧回水温度和地源测供水温度受到的影响更大;冬季工况下,机组平均COP为4.2,系统平均COP为2.9;当环境温度低于4℃时,机组COP变化幅度较大,为45%左右。土壤源热泵系统在用能效益、经济效益以及环境效益方面均有良好表现:制热工况下节能率为31.62%;静态投资回收年限为8.54年;全年每平方米可减少二氧化碳排放21 kg,减少二氧化硫排放0.17 kg,减少粉尘排放0.09 kg。
Taking a ground-source heat pump project in Shijiazhuang as the research object,through real-time monitoring of winter operating conditions,the operation performance of the groundsource heat pump system in Shijiazhuang and the operation effect of the project are analyzed.The results show that the change of water supply and return temperature at the load side and the ground source side would be affected by the outdoor air temperature,and the return water temperature at the load side and the water supply temperature measured by the ground source would be affected more significantly;Under winter conditions,the average COP of the unit is 4.2,and the average COP of the system is 2.9;When the ambient temperature is lower than 4 C,the COP of the unit changes greatly,about 45%.The ground-source heat pump system has good performance in terms of energy efficiency,economic efficiency and environmental efficiency:the energy saving rate under heating conditions is 31.62%;The static investment payback period is 8.54 years;The annual emission per square meter can reduce 21kg of carbon dioxide,0.17 kg of sulfur dioxide and 0.09 kg of dust.
CHEN Junyi(Karamay Thermal Power Co.,Ltd.,Karamay 834000,China)
District Heating
ground source heat pump
operating characteristics
heating condition
outdoor temperature