
基于脑肠轴探讨背俞指针疗法治疗胃食管反流病诊疗思路 被引量:4

Discussion on the Therapeutic Approach of Beishu Pointer Therapy in the Treatment of Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Based on Brain Gut Axis
摘要 脑肠轴是脑与胃肠道系统相互联系、相互作用的重要通路。脑肠轴失调是胃食管反流病发病的重要因素。中医对于脑、心、神与胃肠道关系的认识由来已久,随着近年来中医药治疗胃食管反流病机制研究的不断深入,对于从脑肠轴切入治疗的研究也受到了广泛关注。谢胜教授致力于研究胃食管反流病三十余载,他认为胃食管反流病为多脏腑偏颇的复合病机,证候变化多端,病情复杂,通过深掘《内经》之古训,集百家之精髓,揭开本病脾胃升降乖张之象,探究得出其任督二脉经气升降交会失衡的病机根本,首创“以俞调枢”的治疗法则,形成了一套独特的中医外治方法——背俞指针疗法,以指代针点按足太阳膀胱经上肝俞、胆俞、脾俞、胃俞等五脏经气输注之处,通过皮-孙络-经脉系统,调和足太阳膀胱经经气,斡旋任督二脉经气交汇,以调和脾胃枢机,最终达到气归权衡、阴平阳秘的和谐状态。 Brain gut axis is an important pathway for the interaction between brain and gastrointestinal system.Brain gut axis disorder is an important factor in the pathogenesis of gastroesophageal reflux disease.Traditional Chinese medicine has a long-standing understanding of the relationship between brain,mind and gastrointestinal tract.With the deepening of the research on the mechanism of traditional Chinese medicine in the treatment of gastroesophageal reflux disease in recent years,the research on the treatment from the brain gut axis has also received extensive attention.Professor XIE Sheng has been devoted to the study of gastroesophageal reflux disease for more than 30 years.He believes that gastroesophageal reflux disease is a complex pathogenesis with multiple viscera bias,with variable symptoms and complex conditions.By deeply digging into the ancient motto of the internal classic,collecting the essence of hundreds of schools,he reveals the abnormal phenomenon of the rise and fall of the spleen and stomach,explores the pathogenesis of the imbalance of the rise and fall of the two meridians of conception and governor vessels,and pioneers the treatment principle of“Shu regulating the pivot”,it has formed a unique external treatment method of traditional Chinese Medicine——finger acupuncture on Beishu pointer,which refers to the point where the needle points on the foot Taiyang bladder through the five visceral meridians of liver Shu(BL18),gallbladder Shu(BL19),spleen Shu(BL29),stomach Shu(BL21)and so on.Through skin-the tertiary collaterals-meridians system,it harmonizes the foot Taiyang bladder meridians,mediates the intersection of conception and governor vessels,so as to harmonize the spleen stomach axis,and finally achieve a harmonious state of balance of Qi return and balance of Yin and Yang.
作者 张云燕 梁雅琳 罗贞艺 黎丽群 黄茂光 谢胜 ZHANG Yunyan;LIANG Yalin;LUO Zhenyi;LI Liqun;HUANG Maoguang;XIE Sheng(Guangxi University of Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530200,Guangxi,China;Guangxi Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine,Nanning 530023,Guangxi,China)
出处 《辽宁中医药大学学报》 CAS 2023年第4期195-198,共4页 Journal of Liaoning University of Traditional Chinese Medicine
基金 广西中医脾胃病临床医学研究中心项目(桂科AD19245168) 广西自然科学基金项目(2021GXNSFBA196055) 广西中医药大学课题(2021QN018)。
关键词 脑肠轴 背俞指针疗法 胃食管反流病 诊疗思路 brain gut axis Beishu pointer therapy gastroesophageal reflux disease diagnosis and treatment ideas
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