

Analysis on Supply and Marketing Production Cooperative of Handicraft Industry in Linqing in the Early Period of New China
摘要 在我国社会主义改造中,作为过渡形式的手工业供销生产合作社是在总结临清手工业合作化经验基础上,于1953年第三次全国手工业生产合作会议上被确定为全国手工业社会主义改造的三种形式之一。临清最早组织的竹器业供销生产合作社,最初是为了解决制约其发展的供销问题,它的产生也与中央鼓励和支持发展合作事业,通过合作社对个体手工业进行社会主义改造的政策密切相关。手工业供销生产合作社以户单位进行分散生产,保存了原有的生产关系,适应了竹器业前铺后家的“连家铺”生产经营模式,在生产上进行了改造:加强供产销计划性,平衡供产销关系;打破技术秘密,改进生产技术,提高产品质量;增强公共积累,壮大社的力量。手工业供销生产合作社的发展前途是生产合作社,在此后两三年的临清手工业社会主义改造实践中,供销生产合作社的发展并非一帆风顺。1953年我国社会主义三大改造开始后,生产合作社成为手工业新社的主要组织形式,临清对手工业供销生产合作社的领导和扶植不力,手工业供销生产合作社在向生产合作社的过渡上也存在各类问题。到1956年1月,临清实现了手工业全行业的社会主义改造。这种从供销入手,稳步开展的手工业社会主义改造,在我国社会主义改造史上留下了一笔宝贵财富。 Supply and marketing Production cooperatives of handicraft industry,as a transitional form,were determined as one of the three forms of handicraft industry socialist transformation at the third National Production Cooperation Conference of Handicraft Industry in 1953.It was formed on the basis of summarizing the experience of handicraft industry cooperation in Linqing.The first bamboo supply and marketing cooperative was organized in Linqing to solve the supply and marketing problem restricting its development.Its emergence was also closely related to the central government's policy of encouraging and supporting development cooperation.It not only preserved the original production relations and adapted to the production and management mode of bamboo industry,but also carried out production transformation.For example,implemented planned production,improved production techniques and Enhanced public accumulation.The development prospect of supply and marketing production cooperative is production cooperative,but it did not develop well in the practice of socialist transformation of handicraft industry in Linqing.In shout,this kind of socialist transformation of handicraft industry left a valuable wealth In the history of our country's socialist transformation.
作者 贾中福 JIA Zhong-fu(School of History,Culture and Tourism,LiaochengUniversity,Liaocheng 252059,China)
出处 《聊城大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期50-57,共8页 Journal of Liaocheng University:Social Science Edition
关键词 手工业供销生产合作社 手工业生产合作社 手工业社会主义改造 临清 supply and marketing production cooperative of handicraft industry production cooperative of handicraft industry socialist transformation of handicraft industry Linqing
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