
如何造就高质量的校长?--基于美国校长“领导力辅导模式”的分析 被引量:2

How to Make the High Quality Principals?Based on the Analysis of the Principals"Leadership Coaching Model"in the USA
摘要 在问责制度与校长效能提升的双重政策推动下,如何造就高质量的校长成为美国高品质学校建设的难题。与对校长领导能力进行外部问责和促进校长内在理论素养提高的专业发展模式不同,“领导力辅导模式”强调“促进式、能力本位”的“教练一校长”辅导方式,采用基于循证研究的领导能力模型,建立基于信任的教练和校长的匹配关系,为教练一校长提供持续的培训与支持等多种方式,取得了较好的校长领导力提升成效。校长领导力辅导模式,与领导力考核问责模式、专业发展培训模式共同构成了校长领导力培养与形成的三维向度,其独特之处在于以具有情境性和实践性的辅导方式强化校长的反思性实践、以基于领导能力标准的辅导内容促进校长多重领导力的提升、以注重平等与协作的辅导活动强调校长和教练的双向交流、以针对性的教练培训关注校长和教练的协同发展、以基于循证研究的辅导流程保障领导力辅导的有效性。 Driven by the dual policies of accountability system and the improvement of principal effectiveness,how to cultivate high-quality principals has become a difficult problem in the construction of high-quality schools in the United States.Different from the professional development model of external accountability for the principal leadership and promotion of the principal's internal theoretical literacy,the leadership coaching model emphasizes the Facilitative,Competency-Based coaching.By equipping the principal with coaches,adopting the leadership model of evidence-based research,implementing the strict coach selection process,establishing the matching relationship between the coach and the principal based on trust,using the coaching kit to provide guidance to the principal,developing and providing continuous training and support for the coach-principal,the leadership coaching model achieves good results in the improvement of principal leadership.The principal leadership coaching model,together with the leadership assessment and accountability model,and the professional development training model,constitute the three-dimensional dimension for the cultivation and formation of principal leadership.The uniqueness of the leadership coaching model lies in that it strengthens the reflective practice of principals with situational and practical coaching methods,promotes the improvement of multiple leadership of principals with coaching content based on leadership standards,emphasizes two-way communication between principals and coaches with coaching activities that focus on equality and collaboration,pays attention to the collaborative development of principals and coaches with targeted coaching training,and ensures the effectiveness of leadership coaching with evidence-based research coaching processes.
作者 魏晓宇 程晋宽 WEI Xiaoyu;CHENG Jinkuan(School of Education Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
出处 《外国教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期112-128,共17页 Studies in Foreign Education
基金 2021年度国家社会科学基金教育学一般项目“中小学新手校长领导角色适应的挑战与支持策略研究”(项目编号:BFA210063)。
关键词 高质量校长 领导力辅导 校长专业发展 美国领导力学院 high quality principal leadership coaching principal professional development leadership academy
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